Chapter 1: Intertwined Fate

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Childe sighs heavily and enters his rented apartment in Liyue. "Another days work of destroying Teyvat!" he chuckles to himself. He gazes at his reflection in the mirror. Threads of ginger hair poked out from being a bit roughed up, but there's nothing that gel can't fix. He peers deeper into his figure, frowning. His deep blue eyes had no light left in him. "That doesn't mean I'm giving up, yet." he thinks to himself. 

As he tightened his fist, he hears a crinkle. He glances down, remembering the letter in his hand signed by his brother Teucer. A slight smile forms at the corners of his mouth. "Wait just a little longer little brother, I'll be home soon."As Childe hangs his magic scarf, a knocking is heard at the door.
"O-oh! Um, who's knocking this late at night?" says Childe to the door. He does not know that he has to open the door to talk to the person properly. A gentle voice chimes from beyond. "Sir, are you Childe?" they say. "...may i come in?"
"oh i would let you in but unfortunately my door has no doorknob" he chuckles, albeit a bit perplexed.
"that's ok" says the voice, and with a loud bang the door unhinged itself and falls over Childe. the door isn't the only thing that's unhinged in this room.

"oh dear! i'm so sorry. clumsy me and my clumsy horns. please don't touch them!" a slender blue-haired woman walks over the door, squishing Childe flat like a pancake.
"that's quite alright miss" Childe heaves out as he comically slides out like a thin piece of paper.
The lady turns around, meeting Childe's 2D eyes. Both of them turn away suddenly. "Ah... um..." "Oh....." they mutter simultaneously. 

"May I ask what your name is, gorgus?" Childe stammers. "Ah, huh? Me?" says the woman.
"I don't see anyone else in the room other than me, but I prefer to identify as hot stuff~" Childe smirks. He holds his chin and strikes a dumb pose. The lady seems to be almost dozing off.
"H-hey! it was a joke i'm sorry" the ginger sputters to her. the amount of spit flying at her jolts her awake.
"Oh!!! pardon me. my name is Ganyu." she pats her face with a dainty cloth casting a look of disgust on the poor ginger man. Childe chuckles to himself. "wow, playing hard to get huh..." he thinks.

"a-anyways!!" Ganyu started. "you're under arrest under the order of the Liyue Qixing for destruction of private property and terrorism"
"w-what?! wait hold on!" Childe gasps as Ganyu manifests a beautiful Amos bow into her hands. Ganyu aims a frost tipped arrow at him.
"surrender yourself at once or i will not hesitate to take you down. you are a threat to the peace here in Liyue, as well as the rest of our world!" Ganyu threatens.

Childe shakily points to her bow. "hey, um, Ganyu is it? how many primogems did it take for you to pull this? i could only afford rust and i don't even have it at refinement five." Ganyu hastily withdraws her bow. "huh?! at a time like this... you'd ask me of something like that?" Ganyu turns away in a hurry.
"heh. you see Ganyu. i'm a bow user as well. we got a lot in common, hm?" Childe shrugs to her."what are you saying, all of a sudden..." Ganyu peeps. she turns her head for a second to see Childe slowly approaching her."you know Ganyu, hydro and cryo get along really well, it even has the power to freeze time" Childe smirks. Ganyu is no longer embarrassed. she stares with a look that could kill. his attempts of flirting are backfiring.

"the only thing thats freezing is you. put your hands up, you're still under arrest" Ganyu demands. Childe stumbles away in a panic. "ah, are all of the Liyue Qixing this strict?! there's nothing wrong with a little bantering is there?" Ganyu hesitated, then begins to giggle. "i'm only doing my job, sir."

Childe, still as a statue of the seven, cracks another distorted smile. "Ganyu, you like qingxin flowers right? how about i treat you to dinner before we talk business." Ganyu blushes. "h-how'd you know... that's my favorite food? you're not grossed out?" Childe shakes his head. "i never make fun of what people like. everyone has different tastes. it's the same as how cuisine is different all over Teyvat. i may not know how to use chopsticks here but it doesn't make the food taste any less delicious."

Ganyu puts away her bow completely. "oh, i don't know what to do! you seem too kind to be the one who destroyed Qingce Village... but my job is to arrest you! my brain and my heart is clashing for the first time..." Childe rests his hand on her shoulder. Ganyu seems to pay no mind, for she is in deep thought.
"what a dilemma indeed," Childe comments. "how about this, we go for some dinner and then we can talk about my arrest. that way your brain and your heart will be put at ease." Ganyu looks up at Childe brightly. "ah! you must be right. i accept your proposal, Childe!"
"Alright. how's the liuli pavillon? my treat." Childe brags.
"That would be lovely, childe!"

A couple minutes into dinner service, Childe admires the radiant beauty of Ganyu. "Her hair must be so nice to brush. Silky smooth. She smells nice also. Like the smell of glaze lilies..."
The waiter comes back with their entrees. Childe has a liyue speciality, chock full of noodles and spicy soup. Ganyu has ordered a nice salad with some fruit.
"Let's dig in, shall we?" Childe smiles warmly. Ganyu returns the smile. "Yes, let us enjoy!"

Just then Childe looks across the table and notices Ganyu as what he calls... sleeping beauty. He climbs across the table on all fours, puckers his lips, then suddenly, as if a bolt of lightning hit. *SLAP* "W-W-WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR, DO YOU THINK I'M S-S-STUPID" Ganyu stammers.
Childe rubs the sore spot on his cheek. "There was just some food on your cheek a-and I wanted to clean it up!"Ganyu turns as red as a jueyun chili pepper and gets up from her seat, clearly frustrated. "Y-you think the best way to clean it was to LICK me?! Here I thought you were a respectful person. Millelith! Arrest this man at once!"Guards surround the table, dragging out an exasperated Childe. "Ganyu, baby, I thought we had something special!""No, Childe. My heart belongs to the people of Liyue."

The last thing Childe sees before he is knocked out is the look of shame Ganyu has on her face as she begins to walk away from the service...

Author's Note: Hi guys, Sphere here! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of what's to come in this thrilling story of two star-crossed lovers. in game, i have always admired these two for their own unique reasons; ganyu's hardworking personality versus childe's almost carefree attitude! so i thought, why not pair them together? my favorite trope, enemies to lovers, is a theme that i will want to go for as i continue to write this. nothing sounds more compelling than a workaholic devout to her god going out with a war criminal, right? anyways, please stay tuned for the next few chapters to come, and thank you for your support readers!! :333

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