A piece of heart

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A piece of heart

‘No!’ Evelyn thought ‘this can’t be! I can’t be this cruel man’s daughter!’. Her aunt Jennifer just looked at the guys face, not answering him.  Not a word left her lips and Evelyn knew this would annoy the man and he probably would hurt her. She thought things through ‘Could I really be this man’s daughter? Why is he so destined to find me? Why wouldn’t my aunts tell him where I am? Why is he hurting my aunts to know about me? Why don’t I know him?’. She couldn’t answer these questions in her mind, she didn’t know the answers. She saw the man moving his hand to aunt Jennifer’s throat and got scared something bad would happen. “Thomas” the man called out while he turned his face away from aunt Jennifer’s face “Help me out here”. The two other men laughed, “She’s not worth being killed by you, I see” one of the men replied while walking to her aunt Jennifer. ‘That must be Thomas’ she figured because he responded to the first man’s call. He moved at the back of her aunt Jennifer and locked her head between his hands. ‘No he wouldn’t!’ she thought but the man whispered something Evelyn couldn’t hear and her aunt looked to the window one more time. ‘Could it be they know I’m here?’ Evelyn thought and a second later she could hear the cracking sound while the man turned her aunt’s head. Tears fell from her eyes and Evelyn started praying for a safe journey of her aunt’s spirit to the heavens. “Very well then” the first man said while the guy called Thomas walked back to the other man. While he passed the window Evelyn realized the man wasn’t as old as she expected, he looked about twenty years old while the other man that ordered him to kill her aunt only looked to be in his thirties. Then she realized the other man standing next to this Thomas looked older than Thomas but younger than the other man. ‘But the other man is a vampire, he could look in his thirties but could be already way older’ she thought ‘but this man called Thomas killed my aunt! He must be strong, very strong, since my aunts are vampires as well’ she couldn’t figure out how this could be true. ‘Could it be…?’ but she didn’t finish her thoughts. “As you could see, I’m willing to kill for knowing where she is.” the vampire said while looking at her aunt Helena. ‘Not her too!’ was all she could think, but she was too frightened to act. Her instincts told her to run, to go away so she didn’t have to watch. She started running, running away from what used to be her home. Running through the forest, too fast to see what she passed. Just running to run away finally stopping when she was near the river and sat down, realizing that the sun had already set and watching the afternoon turn into night. With her eyes she followed the multiple fish in the water of the river and got a stick from the ground and started making pictures in the sand. Pictures that the ancient civilizations thought would lead the spirits into the afterlife. She stopped drawing and got some small stones and threw them into the water, scaring the fish away. The water that was sprinkled by the dropped stones hit her face. She had only one stone left if was very small and heart shaped she cleaned it in the water and put it in her pocket. Then she cried, she finally cried. Big wet tears rolled down her face and dropped to the ground from her chin. She had no one left, even her aunts were gone now. She was all alone, she would hold this in, she would never talk to anyone about this. She would pretend it had never happened.

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