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Me:Hey it is bunny

Moonlight: and me so today we want to tell you about how to join our story

Me: so I will show how to join but there is a chance you won't be

Moonlight: there is a new person joining maybe but her name is Thida I am not sure if she is joining but we will see

Creepypasta name:

How you met everyone:

Your name:

Your last name:

Who you want to be with/ or be single:

Your personity:

What you look like:

Fave color:


Power if you want:
Your story:
Me:Yeah so that what you need to join
Me: oh yeah and also tell us what dare and truth or what you want to ask us or the Creepypasta
Moonlight and me: bye guys see you later!
Me: oh yeah before I go I have to tell you I have 2 names my Creepypasta name is Broken Midnight and my wattpad name is DJ cupcake bunny (that what everyone love to call me)
Me:B) = 😎

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