Kira Himitsu

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Name: Kira Himitsu (secret)


Description: spiky black hair that goes to her mid back, usually pulled in a low ponytail with strains framing her face, startling green eyes

Personality: bad ass, smart, very athletic, sometimes lazy, sarcastic

Family: mom(dead), dad(dead), older sister (May Jones)

Likes: her motorcycle, fighting, dogs, her older sister

Dislikes: stuck up rich kids, gang leaders, her parents killers (yes she knows who did it), anyone who gets in her way

Past: grew up on the streets alone after her parents were killed by gang leaders when she was 9 but she stayed in school and was the top of her classes. When she was offered a spot in Konoha academy on an academic scholarship, she took it.

Name: May HImitsu (secret)

Age: 26

Description: long black hair, green eyes

Personality: Perky, is a little bipolar, hot-head, very over protective

Family: mom(dead), dad(dead), little sister( Kira Jones)

Likes: her little sister, her job, shopping,

Dislikes: her sister's motorcycle, gangs (she doesn't know who killed her parents only Kira does), the way her sister use to live

Past: She was an infobroker in America until she heard that her parents were killed but, she didn't come home right away. She only recently came back to Japan because she heard her little sister had become street fighter. When she did come back she found her sister fighting a gang in an alley way (that she won) and totally freaked out. Ever since she has been trying to take care of her sister.


"Kira! Wake up or you'll be late for you first day of school!" I heard my sister shout from downstairs. I groan. 'Why in hell did I agree to go to a rich kids school again?' I thought as I got up doing my daily routine and put on a black shirt with a black jacket and a pair of red skinny jeans with converse. (What she is wearing in the picture)

No way in hell was I going to wear that slut uniform. It was a white dress shirt that came just above my belly button and the top two buttons were missing causing most on the breast area to show. The blue skirt barely covered my butt. I burned that thing the minuet I saw it.

I ran down stairs to see my older sister making breakfast. "Hey Kira." She says turning around but quickly frowns when she sees what I'm wearing. "Where is your uniform? You can't go to school looking like that."

"Sorry sis I burned that piece of trash. Well gotta go, see ya later." I ran out of our small apartment and hopped on my bike. If you must know I love my bike. It was a black street sport bike that I got on my fourteenth birthday and on of my friends from the streets pulled some strings so I could ride it.

"Kira! Be good okay! Try not to get into fights this time." I sent her a mock salute and put on my helmet. It would have taken me thirty minutes to get to school by car but with my bike and pushing the speed limit a little it took me about ten minuets. When I pulled in everyone was staring. What hasn't anyone see a motorcycle before?

"Hey is that your bike!?" A kid with blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen asked me. He was loud and didn't seem like the average every day rich kid. Maybe he was the other honor student I heard about. The one who got in with an athletic scholarship.

"Yeah, you must be Naruto Uzumaki the other honor student I heard about." He nodded energetically.

"That's me! I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!" Man this guy is loud, but it would be nice to know I'm not the only kid in this school who isn't rich or stuck up. "So are you Kira Himitsu the other honor student?"

"Yup. So want to help me find my classes? I'm kinda famous for getting lost." I asked awkwardly. It was true at my last school I was famous for eather getting into fights or getting lost all the time.

"Sure let me see your class schedule." I handed him my schedule as we walked to the front of the school. "Wow! Your in most of the junior classes!"

"I am? That's strange." "Yeah, but I guess that's to be expected. I mean you were able to get into a school like this and a couple of weeks after school started at that."
"Well here we are! Your in my homeroom. Kakashi-sensei shouldn't be here yet so we won't be counted as late." He said as we arrived at a door where load crashes and shouts echoed from.

The door opened with a load bang. "Naruto! You dumb ass! Where have you been! You promised me a fight! What did you chicken out or something!" A guy black eyes, spiky brown hair, unusually sharp canines, and red triangles tattooed on his cheeks said leaning on the door, blocking our path.

Lord Jashin what did I get myself into this time?
Hello peoples of the world thank you for choosing to read my fanfiction. I hope you enjoy and I will try to update as soon as possible but, it may take time because I am also writing another fanfic called "I'm in Naruto!!!!". I hope you will read it. Well ja ne please comment and vote.

I DO NOT OWN NARUTO or the pictures!!! ONLY MY OCS!!!

P.S. that's a picture of Kira at the top I will try to get a picture of May next chapter.

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