Only One String Attached

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This was inspired by @/Sneaky_Sharky on Twitter, or @/Cg_Shark on AO3. If you haven't checked them out you 100% should, their writing is incredible. But I wrote this in just about 2 hours because this idea rotted my brain, so I'm sorry for any inconsistencies or weird phrasing. But without further ado, here's this lol.

Eijiro stares at the ceiling, his frustration building by the second. Even though it had been a month since Hiroto left, his body yearns for him everyday. He knows why he does, but it doesn’t frustrate him any less. Next week is his three month check-up, and butterflies fill his stomach at the thought of going by himself. Maybe Denki would go with him, or Mina.

He sighs, and forces himself to get out of bed, and get ready for the day. He genuinely does not want to go into work but if he doesn’t restock shelves, who will? So he grabs one of the shirts he has for work that’s not too form fitting, and thanks all that was holy for pants with a stretchy waistband. He was barely showing, with enough of a belly to hide his carefully cultivated abs. He should not have to be dealing with this at 19, but unfortunately here he was. 

He made his way out the door, and sighed heavily as he walked out of the lobby and into the sun when he saw his neighbor leaning against the railing outside the door. The blonde alpha took a long drag of his cigarette before looking over at Eijiro. A sly smirk spread across his face.

“Give any more thought to my offer, Red?” He asked, as he pushed himself off of the railing, coming to crowd into the young omega’s space a little. As he moved, his muscles rippled beneath the black tee, and slacks that he wore. The tobacco scent filled his nose, and despite it normally bothering him, the scent made him want to lean into the blonde’s chest.

Eijiro shook his head, he was pregnant. Could smelling the lingering smoke hurt the baby? He didn’t know, but he also didn’t want to find out.

“I’m good. Thank you.” He said, moving to step around the older man.

“C’mon. Let me spoil you. It doesn’t have to be anything more than me taking you out to dinner.” The man insisted. 

“I don’t even know your name. And why would you even want to do that?” Eijiro said, continuing his walk down the street towards work. The blonde trailed after him.

“Well the first part is easily resolved.” He smirked. “Katsuki Bakugo. As for the second part, you’re nice to look at. Sometimes, I just want to look at something pretty while I eat my food.” Eijiro felt some part of him melt, as they walked down the street, but it just felt weird. “Listen, before you say no again, I just want to say, whatever dick bag you were with last didn’t treat you well enough and I think you deserve to be fucking treated way better than that.” 

Eijiro hesitated for a second, and before he knew it he was agreeing to the request. “Only dinner. I’m done at seven.” He said, his face flushing red as he hurried off.

“See you at seven then, Red!” Katsuki called after him with the biggest grin on his face.

Eijiro’s shift passes quickly, and as he leaves work, he sees Katsuki waiting for him and butterflies fill his stomach again. 

“Hey.” Eijiro said, as he approached the blonde.

“Hey, Red.” Katsuki said, putting out his cigarette, and falling into the pace that the omega had set. 



“My name is Eijiro Kirishima.”

“I think I prefer Red.” The alpha smirked, sending a blush across the omega’s cheek again. They made it back to the apartments so Eijiro could change quickly, and soon they were on their way to a restaurant in Katsuki’s luxury vehicle. Eijiro didn’t want to touch anything in the vehicle in fear that he’d mess something up. They pulled up outside and a man in a vest came and collected the vehicle. The omega suddenly felt very underdressed, but Katsuki hadn’t said anything when they left, so maybe it was okay.

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