Part 5

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A/N - Sorry about the delay on thus chapter. Life has really taken a turn recently and I've been blocked pretty heavily on this fic. But I'm hoping things will turn around and I can work towards finishing it up.

The first four days of Katsuki’s rut passed slowly. Honestly, it was the longest four days of his life and he had missed the omega far more than he wanted to admit. His damn alpha hadn't shut up about him since he dropped him off in front of their building. 

He was supposed to see Eijiro tomorrow, but his alpha was screaming for him to go to the omega today. With today being the last day of his rut, he felt safe to be out, but being around Eijiro made him worried. He hadn't missed someone like this in a long time. And if he was missing him this much, he was sure he wouldn't be able to control his alpha if he were to actually see the omega. 

The image of the omega haunted his every thought. He hadn't been able to pay attention in any of his meetings today, not that they were talking about anything all that important. Even mustering the smallest interest in his friends talking around him was a struggle. The chatter around him continued incessantly and he did his best to not just storm out of the restaurant in his normal annoyed huff. 

Letting his head fall back against the couch in the closed off room the group was currently sitting in, he let his mind focus on that Eijiro as his eyes studied the ornate ceiling tiles. They were the same hue as Eijiro’s hair and he couldn’t help but let out a huff of laughter at the idea of someone else choosing that shitty bright ass red.

“What’s so funny?” Uraraka poked his cheek gently, earning a patented glare. “You’ve been quiet all night and now you’re gonna laugh at… what?” Her gaze followed his. “Ceiling tiles?”

Katsuki rolled his eyes, his head following until he was looking at the whole group, questions dancing in all their eyes. “It’s fucking nothing.”

“Is it the same nothing that has you smiling to yourself when you think no one is looking?” Izuku’s question was punctuated by an elbow to the ribs. 

“Mind your own fucking business, Deku.” Katsuki grumbled, willing the blush in his cheeks threatening to appear to go away. 

“Perhaps it’s the omega you’ve brought to the restaurant twice now.” Todoroki’s flat suggestion caused their friends to turn in his direction. When he offered no other information, just continued to look straight into the depths of Katsuki’s soul, all attention was redirected back to him. 

“Wait. You’ve been seeing a new omega?” Uraraka’s question dripped with concern, his irritation bristling under the attention. 

“Why is this any of your damn business?” It felt like his alpha was pacing protectively in his mind. No one needed to know anything about his pregnant omega. Not HIS. Eijiro wasn’t his, and he couldn’t think like that. Not after-

“We’re just worried. Are you sure you’re ready for this?” The gentle hand on his shoulder accompanied with the soothing voice from Uraraka did not have the hoped for effect, a small growl rumbling in his chest. 

“I’m fine.” Katsuki snapped back, his muscles tensing, body bracing against the incoming questions he could feel brewing in the air.

“He’s pregnant.” Todoroki’s statement sliced through the beginnings of protests from their friends.

“Fuck off!” Katsuki’s growl was low, his teeth bared as he held himself back from attacking the omega.

“Is it yours?” Uraraka asked after a moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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