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    As soon as this time flickered, the seedlings in the ground grew three inches high, and the educated youth began to get busy again. They woke up early every day and turned the ground in the dark. After a few days, it was time to plant the seedlings in the ground.

    Bai Su did not participate in labor because of a leg injury, but Zhang Guoqing still treated the educated youth from this city very preferentially, so she asked her to go to the warehouse on the Shaiguchang to help register the work points of the members every day, and by the way, clean up some extras. Farm tools lent to members and educated youth.

    This job was originally done by Zhang Huifang, but since the last time she broke up with Ouyangtian in the educated youth dormitory, she seldom showed her face in the team. Hearing Ji Lanying said, the Zhang family arranged for Zhang Huifang to work in the county textile factory. She may have to hide outside for a while with food and accommodation.

    When such a thing happened, any girl would have a bit of a face. Although Zhang Huifang was a great one, she couldn't stand the gossip of those mothers-in-laws and daughters-in-law, so she had to hide in the city to avoid the limelight.     Bai Su’s legs and feet are inconvenient. In order to save time, Ji Lanying brought lunch to the warehouse for her. After eating, she lay down in the warehouse for a while, and it was time to go to work in the afternoon.     Xu Jian'an is the first person to start work and the latest to leave work every day. Although the two of them can't see the person who bowed their heads, they only pretended to be strangers. Xu Jianan occasionally saw the crutches next to Bai Su, and he couldn't help thinking. , Does she know who gave her this crutch?     Xu Jianan's heart both expected Bai Su to know, but was also afraid that she would know. If she really knew, what reason would he use to explain this matter? Besides, she borrowed her crutches surreptitiously, making it even more so that there is no silver in this place.     Bai Su bowed his head and made the last stroke of the word "positive" after Xu Jian'an's name. When he raised his head, he saw a dazed expression on Xu Jian'an's face. She glanced at the work manual in her hand and found that Xu Jian'an had the most "positive" characters. The wheat and rapeseed in the team had been sold to the supply and marketing cooperative. It seems that Xu Jian'an will get a lot of money.     Ji Lanying also scanned the entire row of "positive" characters, and asked Xu Jian'an curiously: "Comrade Xu, when the dividend is paid, how do you plan to spend it?"

    Xu Jian'an is not a talkative person. When facing the talkative Ji Lanying, he seemed a bit silly. Just when he didn't know how to reply, he heard Bai Su say: "Then I need to say that I must first buy it for Aunt Xu.

    Put on a few pieces of fabric and make a new dress." Xu Jianan couldn’t help taking a peek at Bai Su. No one had said this before. In their opinion, a madman shouldn’t dress up. She can still live. It is a gift.

    Xu Jian'an's heart softened a bit, and he followed up and said: "My cousin is about to give birth, and I will prepare a big red envelope for my nephew."

    Bai Su recalled that Xu Jianan also had a cousin named Xie Lijun. , Is her aunt’s daughter. Her uncle and aunt died early. His cousin was raised in their parents since childhood. About three years ago, in order to collect money for the seriously ill old man Xu, her cousin married herself to the widower in the commune next door. Chen Yongfa.

    I heard that Chen Yongfa's first wife was killed by him. Later, her cousin had a dystocia and died with one body and two lives.

    Bai Su was shocked. She had a better relationship with Xu Jian'an in her previous life. It was the second year after she came to jump in the line. Xie Lijun died early, so she had never thought of this person before.

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