╰❥꒰ 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 ꒱

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3rd person P.O.V

"Okay, I've seen enough. " Hobin said, his face forming into a weird frown. "How am I supposed to fight a guy like that?! He's worse than Pakgo! " He cried out while looking at the black phone he was holding with a selfie stick(?). "I can't go up against that kind of sadist! " the brown-haired male said.

「You were the one who asked us to send you info on bullies.」

「Hobin's fvcking scared.」

「You're forgetting what this channel's about」

"What the hell are those four losers doing? " A guy ーwho we probably won't see againー said while looking at the four teens who were sitting on the stairway "Beats me." Extra #2 said.

The subscribers started to tease Hobin saying things, asking if he was scared and stuff. Of course, Hobin being Hobin, did not deny it "OF COURSE I'M SCARED!" He yelled out. I mean at least he's honest, right?

"I-I mean who wouldn't be scared of that guy?! I heard that he can kick so high he can hit people in the head!" The brown-haired male said, however, the people did not care about it whatsoever.

「Wow, the person took a huge risk to submit this info and you're just gonna ignore it?」

「I feel like he's gonna blame Hobin in the final note he writes when he dies.」

「You've just ruined his life.」

"You gotta keep your promise to your viewers. " Jihyeok said "L-Look I wanted to make videos calling out bullies. I didn't become a newtuber to take on professional fighters!" Hobin argued. The two boys started arguing with one another "I don't care 'cause I'm not the one fighting." Jihyeok said "YOU SON OF A B!TCH!" Hobin cursed through gritted teeth.

The (e/c) eyed girl could only watch the two nervously, she was contemplating whether to stop the two or not. She took a glance at Eul who started to walk towards the two males, this made her sigh in relief 'Thank god she's gonna stop them-'

Oh, how wrong she was. The ravenette rolled up one of her sleeves "Listen up, I'm gonna show that little punk what's what!" She said with a determined glare "For the love of-" Y/n mumbled under her breath and shook her head in disappointment.

"Little? He's bigger and older than you. " Hobin said, the (e/c) eyed girl silently agreed with his statement, however, that did not stop Eul "He better watch out 'cause I'll give him the business! " The short-haired girl said.
Y/n walked towards Eul and placed her hands on her shoulders "Please stop that. " She said and let out a sigh, Eul let out a small 'hmph' and pouted. The (e/c) eyed girl let go of her friend's shoulders, letting it fall on her side, and walked back to where she was standing earlier.

The (h/c)-ette took a glance at her upperclassman and noticed that he was looking down and was biting the bottom of his lip, he looked like he was about to cry. She silently ーand awkwardly if I may addー patted his back, giving him a small yet reassuring smile.

————TimeSkip: Afternoon————

It was afternoon already, Y/n and Gaeul are walking together as usual. Eul was talking endlessly whilst the (e/c) eyed girl only listen, occasionally giving her opinion when asked to. As they were walking, Eul spotted a convenience store just across the street.

"Hey let's go in there! " the short girl said and pointed towards the store. Y/n followed the direction of where her friend was pointing at and nodded her head in agreement. "Sure." Eul grinned from ear to ear and started to drag the (shorter/taller) girl across the street, the poor girl almost tripped three times.

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