~Doctors touch~

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Doctor Bryons pov~

Gently drag his fingers down the young woman's gown, the grin on his face getting wider as he was about to reach then
Three more doctors came in,

Making him growl, pulling his hand away, they at talked as a man with white hair and small round glasses came in, So this is the girl who gets sick off joy?, hed scroff being very annoyed knowing joy has no effect on her

The girl coughed in her sleep throwing up a purple liquid

The man gasped,  GET THAT OUT OF HER SYSTEM NOW!, the sounds of foot steps running around,  machines being moved by wheels,  then everything went quiet, as the sound of a heart monitor beeped weakly, 

Then a Constable walked in,,the black Bobby tower over her small form, he huffed placing her clothes near her,

He then looked at her, How could a woman get motilen in her system and not be dead?, he growled in confusion only to walk out,

(In the middle of the night)

Savannah got up she looked down to see her whole torso wrapped up, she whimpered as a weak sting hit her,
Only wearing her undergarments sense her chest was wrapped up as well,

She weakly stood up, whimpering in pain, she began to walk with a heavy limp,  she held onto walls chairs. Anything that was heavy or hard to move , she whimpered,

She then walked in a room, filled with laughing Constables
They all stopped looking right at her,

Savannah felt her heart race bad , the vision of Grimshaws bloody body, showing up in her head, filling her eyes with tears.

The Constables all slowly stood up,  the closer ones approaching her, Savannah whimpered,  slamming a door in there faces, she tried to run, she cried as it hurt but she didn't care,


She ran for her life, she huffed, as she got into check in,
Shed cried as a bobby grabbed her, she cried kicking and moving around,  he growled, STOP MOVING BEFORE YOU RIP THOSE BLOODY STITCHES!,

She stopped scared fir her life, she cried in the Constables arms, as he got in the elevator,  blood soaked her bandages, even some running down her legs, she cried, begging for then to let her go

But they all stayed quiet,  they locked her up in a white ceil, With large glass windows, a doctor came amd changed her bandages, said they didn't have any woman there,

Savannah layed in the bed, next to other test experiments, there normal people but the joy makes them insane

Then her blinds opened, she frowned, seeing a doctor,  with multiple Constables behind him, they all walked in,

Savannah sat on her bed scared, on Constable frowned,
He placed down somethings leaving Savannah and doctor bryon alone,

He glared at her, she fearfully looked at him, hed chuckle,  my dear lady can you please tell me why joy makes you sick?,

She frowned,  i-i don't know..., she whimpered, he got closer to her literally towering over her , she frowned as she stood up, the doctor Gently grabbed her throat,  moving her head side to side, she couldn't help up shiver and giggle, her neck was very very ticklish, 

Doctor Bryon smirked, someone's quiet ticklish,  hed snickered as he started to tickle her Gently, Savannah laugh,

Once get was done, he smiled, theres a lovely smile

She smiled and giggled,  hed blushed, only to say goodbye leaving her in the cell, she smiled drawing and playing with the things they gave her,

Then she fell asleep,  dreaming of the two men who made her happy,  Constable Grimshaw and Constable stubbs


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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