Chapter I: Good Fortune

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A/N: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... 

 The hallways of Home One were flooded with chaos as Cass attempted to find her way to the hangar bay. The flashing red lights and wailing sirens only added to the sea of confusion. As she dodged the flailing arm of one pilot, a blast from the cannon of the approaching Star Destroyer, Devastator, nearly knocked her off her feet. Finally, Cass was able to weave her way through the mob of pilots and soldiers and enter the hangar bay. When she arrived, she found the area already in disarray. Several squadrons were attempting to take off at once, and the pit crew seemingly hadn't arrived on the scene. As a result, the pilots who could make absolutely no sense of the fancy control panels were attempting to prep their crafts for takeoff.

Not wanting to spare another moment, Cass made her way to the main control panel and powered up the comms system that would allow her to project her voice across the entire hangar.

"ATTENTION!" she called, her voice quickly becoming serious and commanding, "This is Captain Synara. I need you all to listen so we can get our ships out there to defend the fleet."

Almost immediately, the ginormous room grew silent. Each pilot turned to look at her, eager for their instructions.

"Gold Squadron, prepare for takeoff," Cass became lost in the heat of the moment as she went over how to prep the ships for takeoff and their strategy once they left the hangar.

Finally, Cass allowed herself to breathe and take a step back as every one of the yellow-striped Y-Wings and A-Wings exited the hangar.

After a moment of peace, Cass put herself back on the comms system, "Now, I need Red Squadron to be at the ready. We don't want to put out more ships at the moment, in case the fleet has to make a quick escape. Just have your ships prepped for takeoff in case the fight becomes too intense out there."

The pilots of Red Squadron rushed off to tend to their ships with Cass' watchful eyes on them. As they worked to power up their ships, Cass took a moment to admire the elegant beauty that was the X-Wing. As a young girl, she had always wanted to fly one, but being a pilot was never a strong skill she had. However, she still knew everything there was to know about the T-65B X-Wing Starfighter. The ship was mesmerizing to watch as it glided through the sky, the loud hum of the engine filling her with excitement.

Cass was so immersed in catching every detail on the ships that she didn't notice a pilot approaching her. He stopped in front of her, helmet held in his right hand. Cass immediately recognized the markings on the helmet as those of the Red Squadron.

She drew herself to attention and addressed the pilot with great concern, "Hello there, sir. Is there something wrong with your fighter?"

The man standing in front of her appeared the slightest bit familiar in her eyes, but she wasn't sure exactly where from.

"Not exactly... Captain Synara, is it?" the mysterious pilot addressed her.

His tone set her off a bit. It was as if he were annoyed at her, even though she couldn't have possibly done anything to irk him. After all, she was just doing her job.

Cass cleared her throat, hoping it would clear her mind as well, "Yes, I am Captain Synara. What seems to be the problem then, sir?"

Whatever answer she was expecting, it certainly wasn't, "Are you trying to get the entire fleet killed?"

"I beg your pardon?" Cass couldn't understand where the sudden hostility had come from.

She had possibly just saved the Rebellion from fiery destruction. If not for her, every ship would still be grounded and the pilots would be lucky if they hadn't broken something in their struggle.

Power is a Privilege (Luke Skywalker x OC)Where stories live. Discover now