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The Ross siblings sat at a square table in the center of an underground cafe in Brussels. They had just finished an hour-long tour of the obscure art museum above the cafe. The art museum had been Ravi's pick. And although his siblings hadn't been that excited, they preferred it to the alternative of a history lecture he had suggested. Plus, when Emma found a post about musicians playing at the cafe occasionally, she voiced her hope that there may be hot guys there. Which gave Luke hope that there may be hot girls there. Zuri had only spoken of her craving for waffles.

"Dude, that girl keeps staring at you," Luke said, nudging Ravi with his elbow. He tipped his head forward in the direction of the rounded tables near the staircase leading up from the basement.

Ravi didn't bother looking in the direction Luke was indicating. His brother had played this trick on him a number of times before while they were traveling. Instead, Ravi broke apart one of the miniature waffles Zuri had ordered.

Zuri took a sip of her hot chocolate as she looked over at the girl at the round table. She scrunched her nose and said, "Gross. Luke's right. She is staring at you."

Ravi raised his eyebrow at his sister. Zuri didn't usually didn't participate in these sorts of pranks with Luke. She had also been nice to him all week because he had pushed for Emma and Luke to let her tag along instead of making her stay at the suite until their parents were done with their business meetings. His older siblings had argued that if they met anyone while they were out, they didn't want to be responsible for making sure Zuri got back to the hotel safely. Ravi hadn't thought it was fair, and he was also wise enough to know that their little sister would seek revenge for being left out.

"Aww, she's cute, Ravi," Emma said as she looked over at the girl in the long-sleeved teal shirt.

He hadn't meant to look over. He knew it was a prank. But he couldn't stop his gaze from lifting up from the waffle and in the direction his siblings were all looking. His face heated at the sight of her. She wasn't looking his way when he looked up. She was glancing down at her phone. But Emma was correct; she was cute.

"You should go over and talk to her," Emma suggested.

"What?" Ravi stammered as he gave an incredulous look to his sister.

"Yeah, go find out if she's got any cute friends," Luke said, hitting Ravi's arm with the back of his hand.

"If she does, they're not gonna want to date a guy with a foot fungus," Zuri said to Luke.

"That cleared up days ago!"

"You're so gross," Emma said, grimacing.

Ravi looked back over in the girl's direction. She was no longer looking at her phone, but right at him. He quickly looked away and said to his brother, "I don't think she's looking at me. Maybe she's looking at you, Luke."

"The ladies do tend to do that," Luke said smugly, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Double gross," Zuri said flatly before taking a bite of her delicious waffle. She hummed, "But this is delicious!"

"Whatever. Point is she's checking you out, Ravi," Luke said. He grinned as he stood up from the stool he was on. "Watch. I'll prove it."

"Here we go," Emma sighed. "How much do you want to bet he'll use this as a way to flirt with the barista?"

Luke strolled over from their table to the counter on the other side of the cafe. He leaned casually near the menu and winked at his brother. He pointed his finger in the direction of the stairs. Ravi fully expected to see the girl drooling over how cool Luke looked in the dimly lit cafe. But he was surprised to meet the girl's gaze as she stared directly at him. His instinct was to look up as if he were searching the ceiling for something. But when he looked back down the girl still had her eyes locked on him. He gave her a nervous smile before ducking his head to whisper to his sisters.

All I Want is Everything-Bunk'd Lou and Ravi OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now