46. Seeing Him Off

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*Warning: Mature content ahead. Please read at your own discretion. 🔞



Sarah's 1st Person POV

It's bittersweet having to see Jungkook go off to start his military service.

It's been six months since Jungkook planned the most magical day- when he proposed to me. We have been going strong ever since. But, of course there are still those hitches in the road from outside forces like the media but we've done our best to hold on to as much privacy as we possibly can. And, again, it's not just with my relationship with Jungkook. But, the other members have been dealing with media issues. I get worried for the other women and in turn, I become paranoid that something can affect Jungkook and I that is beyond our control.

But, all we both know is we have been through thick and thin for a couple years now and there's no one I'd rather see this life through but with Jungkook.

As far as when the wedding goes, we decides to do what Yoongi and Melina agreed upon doing themselves, which is wait until after Jungkook's military service is over. So, he and I plan on waiting until he comes back. Neither of us want anything elaborate. Though, both our families would prefer traditions being considered, Jungkook and I aren't very traditional people. He did say that if either of our parents approach me with wedding ideas, I should welcome the thought, but ultimately it's our decision how we want our wedding to be like.

It's now Sunday, and Jungkook will be off to start his compulsory military time tomorrow.

I'm grateful he decided to enlist earlier and around the same time as Yoongi. The sooner, the better. And, at least Melina and I have each other as emotional support. There's nothing better than having my best friend who can understand exactly what I'll be going through the next couple years of missing my significant other.

Yoongi has actually already left last Monday. Melina flew in to Seoul the week before that to spend time with him. I flew in the weekend right before Yoongi left. Melina decided to stay the rest of this previous week and she plans to fly back home with me after Jungkook leaves.

Because of Yoongi's and Jungkook's military service happening, they didn't have much obligations with their company for their last couple weeks prior to them leaving. It gave them time to mentally prepare and even visit family.

I had met Jungkook's parents in the past, but it was nice to be able to visit them for a couple days, with Jungkook, in Busan when we took a flight there to stay on Tuesday and Wednesday. I did see Jungkook's brother, Junghyun, and we've cleared the air straight after that whole night at the bar* when I first met him. He knows how much Jungkook cares about me and vice versa and he respects our relationship.

Tomorrow, he will be driven and escorted by his security when he enters and submits himself on his first day. I will be taken back by other company security and staff to Yoongi's place, where Melina and will be spending a couple more days before we head back to the US. She, luckily, has some business to tend to in California, so I'm glad she'll be flying back with me on the long trip.

Since I've been in Seoul for the past several days, all Jungkook and I have been doing has been taking advantage of every second we have together.

And, now here we are, currently relaxing in bed in his own apartment so we have some privacy and solace.

As of right now, all I want to do is focus on the naked man hovering over me.


Jungkook's 1st Person POV

Sarah is beneath me, completely bare, right in the center of my giant mattress. I'm hovered over her, just having plunged my cock slowly into her wet and perfect entrance. Her smooth legs are bent on either side of me. She has her hands caressing my cheeks, our lips gently dance with one another, as I start my slow thrusts in and out of her. My arms rest on the mattress on either side of her, with my fingers tangled in her hair.

I'm lost in her soft lips against mine and her perfect pussy wrapped around my cock. We stare at each other as my hips continue to move. I take in her eyes that I always get lost in whenever I stare into them.

I speed up my movement which causes Sarah to move her hands from my face, to my neck, then around my back. I feel her gently caressing my skin. The feeling of her fingers feel so sensual.

I change my pace from quick to slow, then decide to give her slow but powerfully hard thrusts that, all of a sudden, makes her claw her nails deliciously into my back, her moaning my name and producing the most gorgeous sounds.

"Oh Jungkook, baby, I'm so close," she softly cries out as I continue to to make love to her.

"Baby, cum for me," I croon into her ear as I quicken my pace. My action seems to cause her to reach her peak as I feel her walls tighten and she whisper-screams my name.

I feel her dripping as I continue to move and from the way she's making me feel, I'm close to my own undoing.

"I love you," Sarah whimpers as her hooded eyes pierce into mine.

"I love you, Sarah, so much," I say back to her between thrusting, my breathing heavy.

As I focus on the beautiful woman, who I consider my better half, beneath me, my movements become sloppy and I release my warm seed deep inside of her.

I soon collapse beside Sarah. While we come down from our love-making, we just remained in bed for a while, reveling in each other's presence. I took it upon myself to caress her body, trying to cherish every inch of her under my finger tips. She's perfect and I'm going to miss her body against mine, but I'm making sure we make the best of the rest of our night. I'm making love to her all night and committing every moment into memory.

It's going to be hard to leave, but I have to serve for my country.

At least I'm grateful that when I come back, I'll have Sarah to come back to. She'll be one of my many motivations to do my best while I serve.

Of course, I have my worries going into this next chapter of my life, but I need to stay strong.



I don't know the exact process of the compulsory military service, down to the smallest detail, but I try my best. So, if you're more aware, and you see anything that seems off, like maybe when they generally leave, let me know.

*If you don't recall this moment, it is in Chapters 5 & 6.

🎵Song to check out: "I Miss You" by Mamamoo

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