Chapter 1

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Hey!! This is my first time writing a book and I hope you like it!! Please like and comment!

"Beep, beep!" my alarm clock rang loud enough for Australia to hear and I lived in New Jersey.

I groaned and pulled the covers of my blankets farther up my face. It was a Saturday, yet I still had to wake up at 8:00 a.m. What was wrong with this foster family? Yes, you heard me right: foster family. I, Chloe Garcia, am an orphan and I've lived in 24 foster homes since what I liked to call "The Age of Death." The "Age of Death" is when I was four, the time when my parents passed away in a car crash.

I was crying my eyes out at the hospital as I screamed,"Daddy, mommy, please wake up!" But of course, they wouldn't budge.
I remember when I was dragged out of the ER by the nurse as I hollered,"Nooooo, I need my mommy and daddy!" As the doors to the ER closed with a bang, all I saw were the dead eyes of my parents staring right back at me. I still have nightmares about those eyes.

I try not to think about my parents. I can't really think about them either, because all I remember was my mother's crystal blue eyes just like mine and my dad's deep laugh.
I lived in The Trenton Orphanage for Kids in New Jersey until I was adopted by my first foster family, the Anderson's. Then there were the Johnson's, Rivera's, Hurd's, and 20 other families. The ones I'm living with now are the Hamilton's, they're the 25th foster family.

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