Chapter 17

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Sorry for the long wait! I had a really bad case of writers block!

My uncle....... why would he do that?

I decided to visit the police station. I wanted to know if he was in jail or not. They had to have answers, so Ryan drove me there.

I walked with Ryan to the crumbly, beige building with West Palm Beach Police Station written across the top.

I walked in to the fresh breeze of the air conditioner inside. That's when I learned the true meaning of, "don't judge a book by its cover." I was expecting an old, 1980 station but I got a modern, present-day station.

"Please take a seat," a fat, blue-suited woman told us.

We sat down at a large desk in front of a police officer taking notes. I don't know why, but he looked very familiar.

"What are you here for," he asked in a gruff voice. Looking up at me, he was startled.

"We came here to search for a particular person," Ryan took the lead and started talking.

"Name?" he asked.

"Carlos Garcia and Maria Garcia," I said.

He gasped and quickly stood up and left, probably to look in the files. There was something that told me that he was bad news. He was so familiar, yet he didn't ring a bell. Something about the gruff voice, the urgency of standing up and getting out of here. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I had too much going on so I left it for later.

"The people you are looking for are not in this state. I have checked the files and have not found anybody resembling the name of Carlos and Maria Garcia," he came back to tell us the sad news.

Ryan banged the table, and I swear I jumped half a foot in the air!

"Can't police stations have information from different states," he screamed.

"Woah, calm down!" I said, stroking his hand to calm his nerves.

We got up to leave, but instead of leaving we went to a different desk to check if the man was lying. I just had a hunch that the man screamed, LIAR! I couldn't explain all this to Ryan so I just pulled him along to the other desk.

"Hi!" the woman asked cheerfully.

She's happy while she's at her job! That's a first! I have never in my life seen a person that likes their job!

"Carlos and Maria Garcia," Ryan said immediately.

"Oh," she said as she got up to check.

She came back with about 30 pages but most of them were pictures.

"You could look at this information to help you," she said with a smile.

I looked at Ryan with a look that said, told you so.

"These are my parents," I said as I looked through the pages.

"No shit," Ryan said.

I glared at him. The pages had the information that we saw on Google, but also something else. More about my uncle.

I read the article. There were too many big words but I understood the basic idea: my uncle killed my parents, he was in the car. What? I know that you wouldn't believe me but it's true. My uncle was babysitting me, but as soon as I fell asleep, he left to be a vicious murderer.

I cried for a good 15 minutes into Ryan's chest. How could he? I looked through the picture and it hit me like a ton of bricks. The first police officer we saw was so familiar because it was him. He was my uncle. Cue the gasps. How could they let a criminal be a police officer?

We reported him to the nice girl police officer, and they had it all figured out: after I slept on that fateful night, my uncle left in the car and crashed the car with the car of my parents. Then, he quickly took a cab home and slept in my parents room. The next day, he told me the sad news, if you recall that he took me to the hospital and I saw the dead eyes of my parents, it wasn't them, it was these two other adults that had the same hair and eye color as my parents. But, of course, I couldn't have figured out because I was too stupid and young. My uncle registered me into a foster home and left me by saying that my parents abandoned me. But no, they died because of my stupid uncle.

At least he was in jail now for murder and disguise. I felt happy. Although, I did feel a little bad when he got on his knees and pleaded to let him go. But, I said no obviously.

But there was someone else who got on their knees after the police station incident: Ryan. Yup, he asked me to be his girlfriend. And what did I say: HELL YEAH! No, I said yes like a normal, sane person. I said HELL YEAH in my head though.

Well there you have it! Orphan! I changed and edited my other parts and I deleted like 5 of them. This is it: THE END. I'm not joking, I swear! Thanks for supporting me even though it was the worst thing I've ever written! My other book will be better!

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