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call me by blondie plays softly in the background

and that's when i saw her. like an angel. my angel. flowing in time to the music as the lyrics left her lips.

i approached her, admiring every inch of her heavenly body, before coming in contact with her torso. she looked up at me and her eyes met mine.

"hey." she softly uttered, before looking down to the floor again.

"hi." i spoke, looking down at her, smirking. she raised her eyes once more, and i noticed her vivid green orbs and how they shot around, begging for the silence to be broken. her pitch black hair, aching to be touched. her bushy brows and shiny nose. her lips, dry and cracked, but somehow enticing.

she was tempting, and i couldn't resist.

got a lighter? ~ patrick hockstetter Where stories live. Discover now