Chapter 6

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Hey y'all, finally, the long awaited chapter six. Thank you so much for being patient with me. Also thank you for all the support the story has been getting recently.
This chapter was difficult but fun to write. A lot of the credit goes to my amazing beta and sister of the heart Raven. She's written like 90% of this chapter and I basically wrote the letters, mirror conversations and the part when Harry gets a letter during dinner on Saturday plus the resulting fallout. Oh and I wrote the very beginning scene and the last part. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. There'll be some more things at the end.
Saturday morning: Hufflepuff First Year Girls' Dormitory.

"Morning Luna," Said a girl with two blonde pigtails, as they both emerged from behind their bed curtains. "Good morning Hanna," Luna replied cheerily with a friendly smile. "You can use the shower first if you like," Hanna offered, going over to her trunk and picking out her outfit for the day along with other essentials. "Thanks. I won't be long," Luna assured her, doing the same and making her way into the bathroom. When she came out she was dressed in a sky blue top with snowflakes on it and black jeans with glittering yellow planets.
Hanna went into the bathroom as Luna sat back down on her bed. She loved it at Hogwarts and couldn't wait to tell her father about all of her classes and how her friends were. Putting on her black winter cloak and slipping into a matching pair of combat boots, she smiled to herself before leaving the room and going to find her Slytherin friends.
Lillian And Blaise's Quarters_______

"Tesoro wake up." Blaise whispered softly, kissing Lillian on the forehead.
Lillian's eyes fluttered open and she smiled sleepily.
"Morning love."
"Time to get up. Luna will be waiting for us," Blaise said with a smile.
"You're right. Do you want to shower first? I'm going to call mama on the mirror," Lillian said sitting up.
"Alright sure, tell her I said hi," Blaise said walking over to their shared wardrobe.
Lillian got out of bed and rummaged in her trunk for the mirror. Finding it in a secret compartment, she took it out and went into the living room area. Sitting on the couch, she looked into the mirror's smooth, glassy complexion and said:
"Narcissa Black."
Her mother's smiling face appeared within seconds.
"Morning, Lils dear, how are you?"
"Morning mama, I'm good. How are you?"
"I'm great as well love. Where's Blaise?"
"In the shower. I told him I'd talk to you so he could wash up first. I just wanted to say hi, I'll call again mid week," Lillian said with a small smile.
"I appreciate that dear. Alright, take care of yourself. And tell your sister to call me at some point as well please," Narcissa said smiling back.
"Don't worry Mama, I will. You take care too, love you."
*Call Ended*.
Lillian went back into the bedroom and found Blaise putting a shirt on. She smiled at him before getting her bathroom supplies together and going in to have her shower. It only took about fifteen minutes to freshen up. She then carried her toiletries back to the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Humming softly under her breath, she put her hair into a braid. Then, going over to her trunk again, she rummaged inside one of the compartments until she found a small bag of hair accessories. She picked out a black clip with gold stars on it and used it to secure her braid. She was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with red jeans, a matching red hoodie and black sneakers. Reaching up to the pillows, she slipped her hand under the one nearest to her and retrieved her wand. Walking over to the door she grabbed her cloak along with her boyfriend's.
"Here's your cloak," Lillian said handing it to Blaise with a smile.
"Thanks," he responded, putting it on.
Blaise helped Lillian into hers and they shared a short kiss before leaving their rooms.

In The Slytherin Common Room_____

"Where are Lillian and Blaise?" Abi questioned the group.
Abi, Draco, Ginny and Luna were sitting on a sofa in the aformentioned common room belonging to Slytherin house.
"They're probably on their way now," Ginny said.
"Hi people," Lillian greeted as she entered the common room.
"See, there they are," Draco piped up with a smile.
"Hi Lils. Hey Blaise," Draco exclaimed, smiling at his friend.
"Hey Dray. Have you guys been waiting for long?" Blaise asked.
"Yes," Abi interjected instantly.
"No, no we haven't. Don't listen to her. She's just really hungry," Draco replied, jumping up to avoid Abi's fingers creeping towards his ticklish spot.
"Come back!" Abi exclaimed, pouting slightly.
"Let's go to breakfast. You're hungry right?" Draco said linking arms with Ginny.
"That's the only reason you're getting away with trying to run from me," Abi huffed.
Ginny laughed.
They left the common room, Blaise and Lillian in the lead.
"Are we meeting the others in the hall Lulu?" Lillian asked glancing back at Luna briefly.
"Yeah, they told me to go on without them."
They reached the doors to the great hall and Blaise opted to hold them open for everyone. Once they were all in, Lillian and Luna had a silent conversation with their eyes before leading the way to the Ravenclaw table.
"Morning guys. Joining us amazing people for breakfast? You made the right choice," Teddy exclaimed cheerfully with a grin.
"Shut up Teddy. Ignore him, he had coffee before any of us could stop him," Harry chimed in, smiling at his friends.
"Oh dear. He'll be a handful," Lillian responded sounding amused.
"I've got it. He's fun when he has coffee," Luna added, sitting down next to Teddy.
"See, someone appreciates my humor. Hi Luna," Teddy said putting an arm round her.
Luna blushed, but tried to play it off.
"Hi Teddy. Did you sleep well last night?"
"I knew there was something there," Ginny stated smirking.
"I think nearly all of us have figured that out by now Gin. They're not going to do anything about it for a while yet though," Draco responded, spreading some butter on a few slices of toast.
"What makes you so certain of that?" Ginny questioned him.
"I know them both, especially Teddy. He'll want to take things slow. Plus he won't even admit to himself that he feels anything for Luna yet."
"I'm with Dray, I don't think anything will be happening soon either. Let's just observe for now. They'll talk to us individually when they're ready," Lillian stated, pouring herself a glass of milk.
"So what are we doing first today?" Ginny asked Lillian.
"I was thinking we'd pay somebody a visit," Lillian said with a smirk.
"Who?" Blaise asked, looking at his girlfriend questioningly.
"A certain cat animagus," Lillian replied, her smirk widening.
"Minnie?" Blaise asked paling.
"Yep," Lillian answered, the smirk still playing across her face.
"Oh cool. It's been too long since we saw aunt Minnie," Abi said with a smile.
"Why does Blaise look so pale?" Ginny enquired.
"Oh, he's just not aunt Minnie's biggest fan," Lillian replied with a giggle.
"I wouldn't say that. She just scares me a little is all," Blaise said, still looking rather pale.
"Why?" Ginny asked confused.
"He won't say. I don't think he actually knows," Lillian answered.
"I thought you'd be scared or at least weary of Lillian's father if anything," Ginny said to Blaise.
"Nah, Severus is really nice. He likes me and Dray. I was a little intimidated by him when we first met. I got over it pretty quickly though."
"You're weird," Ginny exclaimed in a slightly exasperated manner, throwing her hands up in the air.
"I have my reasons. I just can't talk about them yet," Blaise said quietly.
"If you really don't want to go, we don't have to," Lillian reassured, slipping her hand into Blaise's and squeezing it firmly.
This served as a gesture of comfort and concern.
"No love it's fine. I'll tell you later tonight, I promise," said Blaise returning the squeeze and smiling softly at his girlfriend.
"Are you absolutely sure?" Lillian queried, searching Blaise's face for any sign of reluctance.
"I'm completely certain; we can go. It'll be fun, but can we please not stay there for long?"
"Sure. We'll go for an hour, is that alright?"
"That's fine with me,"
"Cool. Now that's settled, how are we all going to be able to visit?" Abi asked her younger sister.
"You and I will go in first and ask if she's okay with everyone else coming in as well. If she says yes, I'll come back and get them. They'll wait outside until then. She never says no to me," Lillian stated.
"That is true. Okay are we all ready to go?" Abi questioned looking around at everybody.
"Lulu, are you and Teddy ready?" Lillian called up the table.
"Yes. We're all good to go, aren't we Teddy?"
"Sure are," said Teddy brightly.
"Is he going to be okay?" Lillian questioned.
"Yeah, I'm fine now," Teddy answered, smiling sheepishly.
Lillian just grinned back at him. They left the Ravenclaw table and walked out of the Great Hall, with Luna and Teddy, (Who was also known by his full name, Theodore), bringing up the rear.
Approaching Professor McGonagall's office door, Lillian let go of Blaise's hand. She waited until her sister was by her side before knocking.
"Come in," professor McGonagall called from inside.
Pushing the door open, Lillian and Abi entered the office. Abi stayed by the door, while Lillian went up to her god mother's desk.
"Hi aunt Minnie, how are you?" Lillian questioned, smiling widely.
"I'm well thank you. How is everything for you both?" Minnie, (Whose full name was Minerva), said with a raised eyebrow.
She was clearly surprised by this visit but knew Lillian would explain soon enough.
"I'm great thanks."
"So am I," Abi added with a smile of her own.
"We wanted to spend some time with you. It's been so long. We were also hoping that our friends could join us as well. You already know Blaise, Teddy and Draco. I don't think you've properly met Harry, Luna, Ginny or Hermione yet though," Lillian explained, keeping her expression perfectly blank.
"I don't see why not. I have a couple of hours free. I don't have any important business to attend to until after lunch. Are your friends outside?" Minnie asked with a knowing smile.
"Yes," Lillian said flashing a grin at her god mother.
"Very well, let them in Abi."
Abi opened the door and the rest of the group came in quietly, Blaise now at the back with Luna and Teddy. Minnie flicked her wand and two long sofas appeared. Abi, Draco, Ginny and Hermione took a seat on one and everyone else sat on the sofa directly opposite them.
"Would any of you like a drink? Tea, pumpkin juice, water?" Minnie asked with a small smile.
Draco, Hermione and Harry opted to have a glass of water each. Ginny, Lillian, Blaise, Abi and Luna wanted pumpkin juice and Harry had a cup of tea. They were introduced to Minnie's house elf Mopsi, who smiled at them all and was very friendly.
"As I'm sure this will be the first visit of many, you may all call me Minnie when we are not in classes. If you slip up during class though, Severus will decide your punishment," Minnie said with a slight smirk.
"Aunt Minnie, that's just cruel," Abi gasped in horror.
"Hardly, I think it's completely fair," Lillian said grinning.
"Of course you do," Abi muttered under her breath.
"It won't be a problem as long as your friends can remember to separate the two," Minnie stated calmly.
"We will," Ginny reassured her with a smile.
"I'm glad to see another Weasley end up in Severus' house," Minnie mused out loud, surprising Ginny with a warm smile.
"I thought you'd be disappointed."
"Not at all. William, Charles and Percy have been enough to handle. I'm quite glad that Ronald was the only one to enter my house this year. No offense meant to you of course."
"None taken. I'm glad I'm with my brothers in Slytherin. And I've made some great friends already!" exclaimed Ginny cheerily.
"I'm glad to hear it. From what I've heard your mother say over the years, I must admit I would have been surprised, had you ended up in my house."
"You know my mother?" Ginny exclaimed starting to pale.
"Yes dear, of course. I taught your mother when she was a student here. We're quite good friends now. No need to worry though, she won't hear about anything that goes on unless you end up in detention for something really serious; or you have to go to the hospital wing for broken bones or something of that nature," Minnie explained offering Ginny a reassuring look.
"That's alright then," said Ginny relaxing slightly.
"Mr Nott, it's a pleasant surprise to see you in Ravenclaw. Has your father been informed?" Minnie asked glancing at Teddy.
"I no longer live with my father. I've been staying with my grandparents on mother's side of the family since I was five," Teddy said with a small smile.
"Oh, that is good to hear. And they'll be pleased to know about your house placement?"
"Yes, my grandparents have never tried to push me into one house over another despite both being Slytherin's themselves. I think they probably expect me to have ended up in Ravenclaw anyway."
"I'm happy to hear that. And Blaise, how have you been?"
"Fine thank you. My mother says hi," Blaise replied, a small grin tugging at his lips.
"I'll have to Owl her when I get the time. So after having been to all of your classes at least once now, which ones are you all excited to advance in the most?"
Lillian, Draco, Harry, Teddy and Luna all answered Charms and Potions. Harry said Defense and Transfiguration and Ginny told Minnie that she wished to advance in Herbology and Potions.
The group of friends spent a while longer chatting to professor McGonagall. She asked Abi how her mother was doing and she let them all know that no matter their houses, her door was always open to them. They thanked her warmly before deciding it was time to leave; as Blaise had been withdrawing more and more as the visit progressed.___________________________

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