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but fr I've seen this idea in a few one shot books before and I loved it so I figured I'd write it myself. The basic idea is that the avengers like go into eachother's minds and see all the like trauma and stuff they've all been through to like gain trust with eachother I guess.

So yeah, have fun with this bc I'll certainly have fun writing it bc I'm evil :)

❗This takes place after far from home, but everyone is alive bc I want them to be

"Okay, everyone!" Steve yelled, standing in front of the group of Avengers. He had called them all to the common room for some type of trust exercise, and Tony stood beside him with a slightly scared look on his face. "Me and Tony worked on designing a good trust exercise for us all so that we can grow closer as a team. Basically what'll happen is that we'll all put on these helmets that Tony made and then we'll be able to see into eachother's pasts."

Peter paled and stared at Tony with terrified eyes. The man looked back at him with an apologetic look, knowing that the teen had been through some hard stuff. The two of them had grown closer over the last few months, and while Tony didn't know exactly what the kid went through, he knew it wasn't good.

Tony started handing out the helmets, muttering the words 'I'm sorry' when he got to Peter.

"Alright," Steve said, sliding his helmet on. "Peter will go first, as he is the youngest and hasn't had that much time to have traumatic stuff happen to him, so his past should be a breeze."

"Steve," Tony warned, sliding his helmet on. "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Come on, Tony. The kid's what, 16? It'll be fine."

Everyone slid on their helmets reluctantly, not looking forward to this.

"Oh! I almost forgot to mention this!" Steve said happily, like this was some sort of joke. "While in the person's memories, you will see through their eyes and feel everything that they felt in the moment. That includes physical pain, so be prepared."

"Shit," Peter mumbled to himself, looking over to Tony.

"Hey Pete," Tony said, walking over to the teen and putting his hand on his shoulder. "It'll be okay. Press the button on the side of your helmet when you're ready."

Peter nodded reluctantly and pressed the button.

Instantly, he was throw back into his six year old body as he held onto his aunt and uncle, staring at his parents' graves. Ben picked him up and kissed the top of his head as Peter snuggled his head into his uncle's shoulder.

Now, he was in his apartment, being handed a magazine full of mature images. "Why don't we try to do what those people are doing?" A voice said from his left, putting his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"No, Skip! I really have to go now," Peter yelled, pushing the man away and moving to stand up. Skip was quick to grab him and pull him close, staring at the nine year old with anger in his eyes.

"Do it. Now."

Peter shakily nodded, and the memory was swept away before anything could get too graphic.

After that horrible memory that Peter had tried and failed to forget about, he was in the street and he heard a gunshot. (I actually watched Ben's death scene for this from both Spiderman movies where it happened, woah it's sad.) He bolted over, tears pouring from his eyes as he saw who it was. "Someone call and ambulance!" He screamed, frantically looking around. He turned back to his uncle, pushing his hands down on the bullet hole as hard as he could, saying, "oh no," over and over again.

"Peter," Ben said, grabbing his nephew's hand. "Hey Peter."

"Ben," Peter responded, squeezing the man's hand. "I'm here, Ben."

The man smiled as his hand went limp in Peter's. The teen screamed, tears pouring down his face as he collapsed on his uncle's body.

Now, he was with the Vulture, underneath a warehouse. The man's suit was flying all around him, missing him completely. Peter made some remark about how the suit was missing him, and Toomes just responded with, "I know."

The next thing Peter knew, the entire warehouse was collapsing on top of him, pinning him to the group.

From outside of the mask, he could hear some of the Avengers in the room screaming in pain.

He shouted for help, but nobody came. His breaths were wheezing and shallow as the teen stared at the ground in defeat. He saw his old Spiderman mask buried in the dirt and thought for a moment before saying, Come on Spiderman," over and over, somehow willing himself to lift the rubble off of him and run away, instantly trying to take down Toomes.

Now he was on the plane as it crashed just a few minutes after the warehouse fell on him, his ears ringing as he laid on the sand. He shakily got up, stopping Toomes from blowing himself up and wrapping him in webs, writing a note to Tony that he was the one that caught the guy.

Then he was on Titan with Tony as he felt his body fade in to dust, his healing powers working desperately to try to repair the damage. That just put him in more agonizing pain as he stumbled into Tony, and then proceeded to fall onto the ground. "I'm sorry," he muttered, fading into dust.

And finally, he was with Mysterio. The man cast illusion after illusion, which eventually lead to Peter getting hit by a train. He screamed in pain, holding onto the bottom of the train. He eventually climbed into it, collapsing onto a seat and passing out.

The screen went black, and then disappeared entirely. Peter ripped his helmet off, stumping over to the couch and falling onto it, putting his face in his hands and sobbing into them.

He felt himself being hugged from his right, and didn't even have to look up to know that it was Tony. The room filled with silence as everyone took their helmets off, silently staring at the broken kid in front of them.

Peter leaned into Tony's arms as the man said, "I'm so sorry you had to live through all that again. If I'd have known-"

"No, Tony." Peter interrupted, his voice wavering through his sobs. "It isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself."

Tony nodded as Peter returned the hug, crying into Tony's chest.

"Uh, let's take a break," Steve said, sitting his helmet on the coffee table and walking into the kitchen, just wanting to give the kid some space.

"You're one strong kid," Tony said after Peter stopped crying.

"Ha, thanks."

Everyone came back into the room and they continued going through everyone's memories. After all of it was done and Peter went to his room, they couldn't stop thinking and talking about how much the kid had been through.

They all had a lot more respect for him after that.


I felt like writing angst so here we are. Hope u enjoyed and please leave any requests you might have! Take care of yourselves!!

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