Chapter 3: The Cast

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"Ngh..." I groan as I lift my head. "Huh...?" When I lift my head I saw four people. A tall man with blond hair, an even taller man with red hair, a man with shoulder-lengthed black hair with... kitchen utensils...? And a guy with a beanie.

I slowly got up and quietly walked to the right side of the blue room. I open my bag and pulled out the book I was reading before all of this happened. I opened the page my bookmark was on and started to read.

Timeskip to Saras' POV where she's gonna wake up.

"Hey. Get up." A deep voice said. "Hellooo?" I slowly open my eyes to see a blond-haired man. "You can’t sit there stupefied forever, miss." "Eh…? Where is this…?" I ask. "Beats me…" He said. Then, he walked away. I sit up and looked at my body. "Ah…"

'I’m alive… I’m not even hurt…' I take my hands off my body and looked up to see... 'People…!'

"Who the hell’re you guys?! Where even is this?!" A punk lady yelled. "Like we’ve got any idea ourselves! Calm down, lady!" A really tall man told her. "Is there no one here who can explain?!" A woman in overalls asked while panicking. "Just what is going on…? How troubling…" A man in an apron muttered.

They seem too distracted to take any notice of me.

'What in the world… is happening?'

I look to the center, there’s a discussion happening centered around a single man.

"Now hold on a second! We should confirm what each of us knows." The blond man said to the three in front of him. "That’s all well and good… But I don’t even know where this is!" The woman in overalls told him while her eyes were widened. "I had quite a terrible experience earlier… So I can't remain calm… Mwahaha." The man in a suit added.

They seem pretty confused.

'Huh…?' My eyes landed on a specific person. 'Joe…?' I look closely at his neck. 'He’s also wearing… one of those collars…'

With a shiver, I touched my own neck to feel cold material. There was… something…

'A collar…?!' I began to tug on the item that was on my neck

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'A collar…?!' I began to tug on the item that was on my neck. 'Can’t… get it off…!' I remove my hands from my neck.

Everyone here had a collar put on them…!

I looked to the right, I notice an especially restless woman.

"Graaah!! We’ve been abducted! By some crazy assholes!!" The woman yelled. A strange looking kid jumped at her loud voice. "Be quiet, meow!! Don’t scream in my ear, woof!!" "H… hey now… Fighting’s no good." A man with a beanie said while getting between the two.

I could feel the tension in the air. 'There’s even a grade-school-age kid…?'

Behind them was a girl? with H/C hair put up into pigtails. (I know that this probably isn't your hair style but this makes it easier to write. I underlined it so you can ignore it.) She was reading a book. What really grabbed my attention was her cheek. 'What happened to her cheek...?!'

I look to the left to see some slightly calmer people that were talking.

"What’s goin’ on…? Feels like we’re wrapped up in somethin’ outrageous." The giant said to the aproned man as the man puts a hand on his chin. "Yes… It would appear so."

'Huh… Have I seen this person somewhere?'

"…Ooooh…" A quiet voice from a little girl uttered. The girl was squatting and seems terribly frightened. 'Did something happen…?!'

I look at the center to see that their discussion was still going on. Finally, my head was starting to clear.

'There are 11 people here, including myself… All of us are wearing collars…' I look at Joe. '…Why isn’t Joe coming over to me? Has he not noticed I’m awake?'

I stood up and ran to Joe. "Joe!" Then, I punched his arm. "OWW!!" Joe yelled as he rubbed his arm. I rubbed my fist. "Maybe that was too much force... Joe! So you’re okay!" He starts at me for a second. "...Who’re you?" "Wh…!!"

What kind of joke was that…

"What are you saying?! I’m Sara! Did you forget your own friend’s face?!" Joe didn't respond. 'Don’t tell me… He’s seriously saying he doesn’t know me or something…?' Joe was silent untill he smiled. "Could you be the Sara who’s a terrible swimmer?"

"Whuh… J… Joe! This is not the time for jokes!!" I told him. "My bad, my bad! Hahaha!" "Hmm… Joe and Sara, eh.. You two are friends?" The blond man asked. "Eh…?" I turn to him. "Y… Yes, we are…"

"Thanks for that. Joe here wasn’t speaking up, see… Must’ve been wary of something… Wouldn’t even tell me his name." Joe stared at him with his eyebrow furrowed. Not in a mad way but in a "I don't trust you" way.

The blond man turns to everyone. "Alright, everybody, listen up." Everyones' attention turns to him. "I bet we’re all thinking the same thing. What is this place? Why was I brought here? And about all you know is who you are."

"What are you getting at, I wonder…?" The man in the suit asked. "How about we give introductions? Should ease the suspicion a little, at least." "Introductions, you say…?" The man in the apron said with his eyebrows raised. "Not a whole lot else we can do." The blond man turns to me. "Am I right, Sara?" "Huh…? You’re asking me…?"

I thought about it for a second. "True… I want to confirm our situation." "..See, the calm ones know what to say. Okay, once you’re ready, it’s introduction time. Just tell me when, Sara."

I look around to see if everyone was ready. Everyone was so, I look back to the blond man. "Right then. Time to give introductions?" I nodded. "Yes." "Okie-dokie."

💛Word Count: 990💛

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