July 2021

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I know hardly anyone read this book, but ehhh this helps me track my own activity on here. 

So I haven't gotten Inkitt set up yet - really want to write and publish it, but I haven't had time since the school year ended to actually learn how to use their apps. Hopefully, now that it's summer and I have a lot more time on my hands, I'll be able to do just that and get something published there. 

As for my works on here, here are a few updates for you:

1. Poems book: Yes, yes, I know! I'm terrible at updating it consistently, but I'm trying. I have a new poem queued up and ready to publish this month! :) As for next month, I don't think I've written any new ones lately, so that might be going on an unfortunate hiatus... :/ Sorry to anyone who reads them! 

2.  Why Don't We project - it is very much still in the works; not much has changed lately, as it has been on a back burner to my other projects and work. Am hoping to turn this from fanfic into a more original work, but for now I'll leave it as is and start posting my current versions once I'm a little happier with them.

3. Fly Away - I really want to revamp this and make it better (given that I started it in eighth grade, have since graduated high school, and have somewhat improved over that time lol) and I think I actuall have time to do this now? I might just try to write the rest of it as I have time then go back and revamp it I guess? If anyone wants to read this, please leave a comment so I know if I should actually go back and revamp it lol

4. Letters I'll Never Send - I've abandoned this one. The offer of someone else adopting it still stands.

5. Excerpts - I just published a new drabble, and I'm very happy with it! Please go read it?

6. The Untitled Project - couldn't get it off the ground given all my other projects, so I'm putting it in the idea file cabinet for later. Hopefully, I get back to it someday.

7. The joint account and project - this has been on the main burner the last month or so, and has imporved leaps and bounds since my last update on it. As the project has taken a lot more world-building than we anticipated, it will be a lot longer before we actually get it published, but that's okay! It'll be worth the wait, I'm sure of it!! Can't wait for people to read it!!!

Signing off,


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