💥 Fearless 🐞

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This is a one-shot that just popped into my head one night. But I hope you enjoy it!

It was midnight in the U.A. dormitories and all of the students were sleeping soundly. Well, all except one of them. Bakugou Katsuki, The most fearless student in class 1-A and the most easily aggravated. Most of the students in U.A.'s first year classes thought that Bakugou had no weaknesses or fears, but they were wrong. . . . 

Bakugou, in his hero outfit, set out a large blast towards the villain he was facing, causing them to be launched through the air and probably landed far away for where he was. Bakugou turned around expecting to see Marinette, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, Jirou, and Chloe still fighting the other villains or just waiting for him, so they can go back to U.A.  But no one was there. Bakugou was to busy to notice that while he was facing that villain a thick fog had rolled in.

Bakugou walked through the fog calling out their nicknames he liked to call them. "Shitty hair!!. . . . . . Racoon Eyes!!!. . . . . .  Tape face!!! . . . . .  Dunce Face!!!. . . . .  Blondie!!!. . . . .  Ear Plugs!!!. . . . ."  Bakugou paused, hoping at least she'd call out back to him. And Also a bit worried that the other extras didn't call back to him.   He hoped she'd call back. "Bluebell!!!!! . . . . . . Blueberry!!!! . . . . . .Navy!!!!! . .  . . .Mari-Bug!!!!! . . . . . . Mari!!!! . . .  . .Marinette!!!! . . . . .Marinette??? . .. . . .Bluebell???" Bakugou called out a the nicknames he had given her and her real name. When he was getting towards the end of calling out her nicknames he started to question, why weren't they answering?

Bakugou walked a bit further before his foot hit something. He looked down and saw Mina's yellow jacket that went along with her hero outfit and Kirishima's head piece. Now Bakugou doesn't like to assume things but he started to get worried, what if they were missing or even worse, what if they were. . . . dead?     No, Bakugou wasn't going to assume that they were dead. No, they could be pranking him.   Yeah, they could be pranking him.  Bakugou picked up Mina's jacket and Kirishima's head piece and kept walking.

After a few minutes of walking Bakugou's foot hit something else. It was Jirou's fingerless gloves and Kamnari's piece of equipment that went on kaminari's left forearm. Okay, So now Bakugou has had enough with this prank. "Okay, extras come out!!! the prank is over!!" Bakugou waited for a bit. No one came out. No one spoke. Nothing moved. Bakugou was starting to get a little bit worried, not only for his friends and beloved bluebell, but also for his safety. Bakugou knew he could just turn around and head back to the dorms but he wanted to know if his friends and his bluebell were okay. So he kept moving forward.

After two minutes of walking though, the now thicker, fog. Something caught bakugou's eye it was shiny and round. Bakugou walked though the thin fog that rested on the dirt ground in the forest that they were fighting those villains in. Once he was in reach on the object he soon realized it was Sero's helmet and Chloe's spinning top, all of his friends items that he collected on his way though the woods to search for his friends were a bit torn, busted, or in bad condition.

Now Bakugou had everyone's main items from their hero suits except . . . .Mari's. Bakugou didn't understand that he found everyone's items except Mari's. It just didn't make sense. How or why, why couldn't he find any of Mari's items from her hero suit. No matter how hard he tried. These thoughts continued to swirl in side bakugou's mind. The thoughts inside his mind continued to swirl and he started losing track of time. He kept moving forward. He needed to why this was happening. Suddenly the atmosphere changed.  Bakugou felt worried and scared, like something bad was going to happen or already happened. 

Bakugou kept walking though the thick fog, getting more and more worried and scared by the minute. He was worried for himself, his friends, and his bluebell. He was also scared for his safety, his friends safety and his bluebell's.  He looked at the ground, 'What's happening?' thoughts swirled inside Bakugou's mind. After a few minutes or seconds, Bakugou saw something in the distance. Once he got a bit closer he recognized it as Marinette's yo-yo from her hero suit. He picked it up a softly caressed the yo-yo, remembering all of the amazing memories him and Mari had together.

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