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Hanamaki had just came back home with Matsukawa from another school day. Both of them were casually hanging out in the kitchen, the brown-haired boy staring into the fridge trying to find food, the pink haired boy looking through the mail on the counter.

"I swear we never have snacks here anymore..." Matsukawa sighed as he shut the fridge, he walked over towards Hanamaki and peeked over his shoulder. On the right of him were a bunch of letters and magazines, but inside his hands was a letter, "Who's that from?" asked the middle blocker.

He got a small sigh from his friend in response, and there was only a few minutes before he finally got an answer.

"My parents... Are back in Japan." Hanamaki said, his voice was low and sad. On the inside, yes he was happy they were finally back, he missed them a little, but there was also rage building inside him. After all these years of not messaging him, leaving him alone, they give him a letter, not even a call. A letter. And now they're forcing him to go back home.

"Oh shit..." Matsukawa looked over at his friend, who's face was angry but also had tears forming in his eyes, "Makki i-,"

"It's just a load of bullshit anyway..." the wing spiker crumbled the piece of paper up and threw it away, "It's not like I have to legally go to them... I'm 18 anyway.". He stormed off and went upstairs into their shared room, Matsukawa just watched him leave and didn't bother him. He could tell that Hanamaki wasn't in the mood.


"Takahiro?" Said a familiar voice- it was Matsukawa's sister. Since she was an older woman, he had to open the door in order to be respectful. His face was puffy and eyes were red, he had been crying the entire afternoon and even skipped dinner.

"Issei told me about your parents, do you wanna talk about it?" the woman said, entering the room and closing the door behind her.

Hanamaki sighed and rubbed his eyes, "It's just that- they never made it to my middle school graduation, they probably won't even make it to my fucking HIGH SCHOOL graduation. And now they just wanna fucking come back and act like they didn't fucking leave me for like- 4 or 5 years??"

She hugged the boy tightly, "I'm so sorry... They don't deserve you, okay? You're an amazing smart boy, and you already have a new home."

"Yeah.. I know."

"Okay then, just ignore your fucking parents."

She lets go of Hanamaki and gave him a small smile, which made him smile back in response, "Now you should talk to that big idiot downstairs, he's been walking in circles worrying about you! He's going insane basically."

"Oh?" Hanamaki tilted his head

u and me [] MatsuHana [] PT. 2 of School PlayWhere stories live. Discover now