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When Matsukawa's sister left the room and called for her brown-haired brother to come upstairs, he immediately came running up and went into the room.

"Makki- are you okay? Have you been crying? Oh Makki." He hugged his best friend tightly, getting a hug back in response, "I'm okay you big goof"

They both were silent as they stayed in each other's warm embrace, Matsukawa happy his friend was feeling better. He did remember something though and immediately let go, but cupped his hands on Hanamaki's cheeks, "You didn't eat! You need to eat! I left some food for you in the microwave."

The pink-haired boy smiled, "Okay. But can you stop squeezing my cheeks.", Matsukawa smiled back and placed his hands down, "Let's go eat my prince!"

"I told you don't call me that." he scoffed, remembering the horribly embarrassing play from their third year in middle school, but the nickname did make him feel a bit flustered.

Both of them walked back downstairs and into the kitchen, since it was dark and silent they assumed everyone else was asleep. Matsukawa turned on the microwave and began heating up the food that was already in it.

Hanamaki on the other hand was sitting at the dining table, drumming on the edge of it and humming a small song as he waited for his food.

To make sure there wasn't a loud beeping sound disturbing the house, Matsukawa opened the microwave when there was exactly one second left and took the hot plate out. His hands were already used to holding hot things like this, so he took it to Hanamaki like it wasn't a plate that just came out the microwave.

"Dinner is served Prince Takahiro!" He said, placing the plate down in front of his friend and dramatically bowing. Hanamaki stopped his tiny band and looked at the food, it smelled amazing and he was ready to dig in.

Matsukawa sat down in a chair next to him and just watched his friend eat, happy that his friend was feeling better and better by the second. "You have such pretty hair-" he accidentally blurted out, not noticing he was thinking out loud. The pink-haired boy gave him a smirk, "Really?"

"What? Did I say something?"

Hanamaki's face was burning up from the compliment, but Matsukawa's response made burst out in laughter, "You're SO stupid." He says, trying to catch his breath.

"No seriously what the fuck did I say?"

No response. Just a bunch of laughing.

u and me [] MatsuHana [] PT. 2 of School PlayWhere stories live. Discover now