Chapter 8: What I wouldn't have if I didn't have you

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Rebekah's POV

The due date was coming and it was coming fast. Alex and I stayed home most of the time as she got tired easily now. Her belly screamed of popping soon. I was out getting groceries with Lena today and talking about what we should expect with our new addition.

"I can only tell you so much as every child is different" Lena says.

I grab a box of cereal and set it in my cart.

"Well, I know that. I guess I'm just being paranoid" I mutter.

"That's understandable. Having a child can be scary, but you'll get the hang of it along the way" Lena reassures.

I nod my head even though I wasnt completely convinced. We made our way around the rest of the store before finally departing. When I got home I realized that Alex was taking a nap in our room. I put away the groceries and make my way to our room.

Alex is laying on her side while hugging her pillow. I smile as I slowly lay down next to her. I lightly kiss the side of her head and caress her hair. She slightly stirred but didnt wake. I held her close and tried to sleep. I thought about what it would be like once the baby was finally born. I knew that this was something that Alex had been waiting for and I was just as excited.

Sometime later we woke up and Alex was lightly dragging her nails on my arm that was around her. I smile and hug her closer to me.

"Have a nice nap there babycakes?" I say groggily.

"What it, Hunter, or I'll put you back to sleep" she grunts.

"Cant wait" I smirk.

"You're such a pain" she laughs.

Suddenly she stops and groans. I sit up immediately and look down on her.

"Hey, you ok? Whats wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"Had a weird pain in my stomach. Maybe the baby is kicking" she says breathily.

I help her out of bed and realize that our clock on the nightstand says that its 10pm. As soon as Alex stands I see her grimace again.

"Alex?" I put my hand gently on her cheek and her fearful eyes meet mine.

"It's early" she whispers. My body goes ridged and spring into action. My supersuit is on within seconds and I cradle Alex in my arms.

She pushes the signal on her watch for Kara and we fly to the DEO. I land on the balcony and strut right in. A few agents stand at attention and I begin barking orders. I make my way to the medical ward and set Alex down on a bed. Her face is contorted with pain and I grasp her hand while I wait by her side. Theres a crash outside the door and I get into a defensive position. I worried that something had broken in with the worst timing.

"Alex!? Where's Director Hunter!?" I hear Kara yell. I sigh in relief and call for her.

Supergirl bursts in and goes to the other side of her sister.

"Hey, Alex. How are you doing?" she says soothingly.

"How does it look like I'm doing!? It's early Kara. Why is it early?" she cries. I try not to breakdown with her and gently squeeze her hand.

"Considering the child is Kryptonian, perhaps it is the right time" Lena says. I didnt realize she had come into the room. "Believe me Alex. We have everything under control."

I feel Alex squeeze my hand as she closes her eyes. I nudge for her to look at me. When she does I smile at her reassuringly.

"I'm right here. Through the rain and all" I whisper. I see a tear come from Alex's eye and I wipe it away.


The labor was hard and I knew Alex was starting to get tired.

"Ok Director. A few more pushes. Almost there" the doctor urged.

The screams I heard I knew I would never forget. Kara and I held onto Alex's hands as she pushed. Finally they stopped. I looked to the foot of the bed and hoped that my poor wife's agony had finally ended. The doctor glanced up at us and raised their hand. It then came down hard and I heard a loud smack. I felt my eyes glowing thinking that they were harming our baby. Lena stepped forward with her hand up and gave me a stern look. We waited a few seconds and a wailing sounded from the doctors arms.

"It's a boy!" the doctor smiles. I breathe a sigh of relief and look to my wife. To see the joy on her face was everything to me. She then looked to me and I mouthed an I love you to her.

I reach for our baby and attempt to get them to stop crying. I lean to Alex and gently set him in her arms. I sob escapes her lips and I kiss the side of her head. Finally, our family was beginning.

Alex's POV

I stared in complete awe of my son. My son. I finally have a baby to call my own. He wailing soon stops and he makes little grunts instead. I reach a finger to his little fist and he grasps it. I start to cry and I dont care what the agents think. Their director is a crybaby. I look to my wife and think about everything we had been through. Everything she had done for me. Our eyes meet and I smile.

"I love you" I whisper. Rebekah reaches over to kiss my head again.

"So? What do we call the newest Hunter?" Kara asks. I laugh and look at Rebekah.

"We talked about a lot of names. We didn't quite decide on one yet" I say.

"Actually, I knew you would be indecisive but I know your heart was telling you one name" Rebekah says softly. "I'll be right back."

She superspeeds away and I look at Lena and Kara who only smile at me. I give them a confused look and Rebekah is back. She holds a box in her arms and she sets it on my bed. Rebekah reaches over and takes the baby gently away from me.

"Open it" she coos. I shakily grab the box. It almost seems dirty like it's old or was stored away somewhere. I take off the lid and drop it immediately.

In the box were my fathers things. A shirt, a baseball cap, a watch, and a badge. The held his name on it. Memories began to flood into my head as I cried. I picked up his badge and traced a finger over the engraving of his name. I looked at Rebekah and she nodded her head.

"I had a feeling it was a boy. There isn't any other name I would want to call our son" she says.

I look to everyone else as they smile.

"Well, I guess everyone can meet Jeremiah Hunter" I smile.

Everyone gathers around Rebekah to look at the baby. I watch as they give congrats and my heart feels warm. I look at my wife as she meets my eyes and smile. What I wouldn't have if I didn't have you...

Sorry Raccoons but its the end for this short story! Hope you enjoyed and sorry it took so long! Until next time!

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