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The person Lu Sicheng held in his arms shook her head like a rattle drum, "I won't! There's a ghost at the base!" Lu Sicheng repeated, "Get off me." 

Tong Yao: "I won't."

Lu Sicheng bit his rear molars, "I'm going to let go now. Why does a short person with a flat chest weigh so much, you're as heavy as a dead pig...... One, Two-- --" The girl screamed and tightened her hold on his neck, "You wouldn't!"

Lu Sicheng: "......"

While walking back with his team's mid shivering in his arms, the captain of the ZGDX team silently swore in his heart: the so called "Mrs. Lu" in the future would either be a fairy who didn't drink at all or he, Lu Sicheng, would just become a quiet, asexual person-- --If it turned out to be the latter, then the culprit would be the one who was hanging onto his neck constantly murmuring "I saw a ghost, I'm scared."

"Tong Yao."


The girl in his arms turned her head, the tips of her hair tickled his neck-- --It would be quite interesting if not for the fact that the girl was widening her intoxicated eyes trying to focus.......Lu Sicheng impatiently twitched his lips.


"Promise me that you don't deny everything you've done today after you sober
up tomorrow."

"What will happen if I admit everything?"

"Then I can have peace and quiet for a month." Lu Sicheng was at the door of the base which was ajar, as the girl had left it when she ran away in a panic. Lu Sicheng kicked the door open. "That's the reason why I didn't throw you into the fountain we just passed by."As he was speaking, Lu Sicheng used one of his hands to turn on the light on the first floor of the base-- -- When the light came on, it shone on the man who was bent down looking into the refrigerator in sight from the open door. The man turned to looked and was eye to eye with the person at the doorway who looked almost exactly like him. The man paused.


The man in front of the refrigerator curled his lips upwards, showing a cynical smile, took out a yogurt drink, then used the back of his hand to shut the refrigerator door-- -- There was the sound of a light thud.

"I was just wondering.....Is this noisy shorty your girlfriend?"

Lu Sicheng: "......"


Ten minutes later, Tong Yao watched everyone at the base walk out of their rooms, yawning and rubbing their eyes grumpily. When they realized who the the people downstairs were, all of them suddenly became expressionless. Little Fatty, Old K, Old Cat, then Ming god, Xiao Rui, team leader, and coach Hou all came down to sit on the couches one by one. The empty living room suddenly became busy and crowded. But it was eerily quiet. No one was talking. Only Xiao Rui bent over to sniff near Tong Yao.

"How much did you drink?"

Tong Yao replied without much expression, "I only drank iced tea, alright? I'm
not drunk."

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