The cube

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[First short story in the "Short stories" series]

[Ideas, or parts of he story can not be used for own creations, and are copyrighted]

The cube

Classic music playing, his eyes flickering around the caffé. Twisting the 9x9 cube around, trying to match up the colours, he had been working on it for months now. Sitting every day in the small, slightly hidden caffé, drinking the same cup of coffee every day. His dark brown hair, neatly made up, hugging his crown perfectly.

His dark, black coat hiding most of his body, making him more or less visible in the dark booth of his. "Your coffee sir." The barista walked over to him, putting it down in front of him. Walking of, she turned around. Glancing at him. Twisting and turning the cube, he sat there lost in thoughts. Thinking back to the one day, three months ago, where he agreed to put his life in the cube in his hands.

"This way sir." a man walked in, gesturing for me to walk into a small room with a couch, desk and two chairs. A small light in the corner of the room highlighting most of the room. "Sit down, please" the short, blonde guy gestured for the sofa. "I..." He paused, eying me up and down. before continuing. "I Have a mission for you"

He sat down behind his desk, picking up a beautifully decorated box. The dark brown colour, brought out the beaty of nature, but yet the destructive part of nature. Gold carvings decorated the whole box, drawing my attention towards it. "Be aware, as soon as you accept this task. You must be sure to have read every single word on the contract, and documents" He put the contract in front of me. Signaling for me to read it.

Ten pages, mostly with blank space for me to write that I accept and have read it. Quickly scanning through I wrote down my signature and concent under each paragraph. It took me about ten minutes to finish it, handing him the contract I straightened my coat and sat down again. He gave me a weak smile, pushing the box slowly towards me.

"Sir. What you have now agreed to, is to solve this cube. It might look like a rubiks cube, but is different from the ordinary rubiks cubes. This cube, however, is the key to your great success or your fall." Pausing, he opened the box slightly. "Take this, and be carefull. Each different turn you make, will in the end add up to how your life will turn out."

Turning the box around, he pushed it towards me. "Take it, and leave. You do not speak of this to anyone. Cary the cube with you everywhere and do not lose it." He said, and the door flung open. Two men grabbed me, covering my eyes with blindfolds, and leading me out of the building and into a car.

He took a sip of the coffee and smiled. Oh how he loved this coffe, not to strong, not to watery. Just perfect. He had made a routine of going to the coffee shop, every evening, to get some peace and sort out his mind. The same coffee, the same corner and the same time every day. No one else used the corner, it gave people chills, because the light bulb was out, and the music was low. Making the corner kinda creepy for some.

Twisting the rubiks cube, he had now managed to solve most of the cube. He knew he would finish it this night, but he had no idea what the outcome would be. Twisting it some more, and then some more. Sighing he put the cube down, and took a sip of the coffee, looking at the people standing up and leaving the coffee.

He stood up, putting the rubiks cube in his pocket he walked to the toilet, checking his hair. You could say he did mostly what ever he could to have his hair in place. That was what people knew him for, even though he never spoke to anyone. The same people at the caffees, grocery stores and clothes shops all recognized him.

Walking out of the toilet, he eyed the two men walking in to the coffee shop. They had never been there before, he shook the thought out of his head and walked back to his booth, fishing up the rubiks cube, twisting it some more. He sat there for a good 30 minutes before he saw something he had not seen before.

Tilting the cube slightly he could see some carvings in each square. He continued to tilt it, looking at each and every one carving. Some of snakes, greek letters, zodiac signs and much more he did not recognice. Drinking the last of his coffeee he decided to finish the cube. Smiling he twisted it for a while, and he thought he saw how to finish it. So he quickly twisted it around.

Getting to the last turn, where he would finish it. He stopped. Turning the cube around. Looking at the signs, he took a deep breath. Looking up he saw the two men standing up. "who are they?" he thought to himself. He knew who all the other people who walked in, but those. He had no clue who they were. Which anoyed him. Picking up his phone, completely forgetting the cube for a while.

He quickly looked up a few things, looking to see if he found out anything about the men. Luckily he figured out who they were. Two men who worked by traveling long distances by delivering groceries, or other stuff to shops and such. Without giving it more thought, he put the phone back in his pocket and turned to the cube.

Taking a deep breath, he turned the cube for the last time. Watching it. Nothing happened. He sighed, he had been fooled. He let out a low growl-ish sound and stood up. Picking up the coffee cup he threw it across the room, watching it hit the wall, scattering all over the place. He sat down. Breathing heavily. Threee months. Three months he had spent on turning a god damn cube. For no reason.

He grabbed the cube, but quickly regretting it. It was red hot. He dropped it on the floor, making it begin to tick.His eyes widened in fear. What had he done? What would happen? A train of thoughts raced through his mind, and he shot up from the chair, sprinting across the room. Just as he reached the other side of the room, he saw people staring at him with amused looks.

Blushing he turned around, walking back to the cube. He reached for it, stopping just before he touched it. He poked it, checking if it was hot, which is was not. Picking it up he straightened his back, and took a step forward. People turned back to their drinks and foods, now ignoring him. He looked at the cube, only to find it glowing.

Shocked, he dropped it. But this time, it did not just hit the floor. It hit the floor, and then it exploded. Splints of metal flew across the room, piercing through clothes, skin and intestines. Killing everything in its way. His body stood there for a few seconds before it colapsed, and crashed to the ground.


Soo, yeah. A short story, quite strange. But I kinda enjoyed writing it. I am as I wrote this at starbucks, and I drank some coffee, and got the inspiration from there. Thinking of this as I were finishing the other chapter of my other story. And I though of just uploading something, and it turned out to be a mass murder story.

Please comment on other ideas for short stories, or if you would like to see more of this or not.


For some reason this chapter was all in cursive when I wrote it, and then it decided to go all compact on me ._. Do any of you guys know what this is? Perhaps how to avoid it doing the same for the longer stories or chapters?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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