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a/n : maybe *cough* the video title *cough**cough* is a hint *cough* for this chapter-


and for two worlds apart in #3 on #cone <333

word count : 813

y/n pov

I took Conan's hand and jumped out of the car. We talked about the science group project in the biology lecture as we walked to the campus. "I really hope I get paired up with you." I said to Conan. "So do I, I wish professor Grant is kind enough to let us be the same group." he said as he slightly smiled at me, brushing the hair off my face. We attend the same lecture, and the professor announced that we'll be doing a group project with two people in one group. In the lecture hall, Conan sat next to me and put his bag on the empty seat next to me.

"So, As I informed you last week, we will be doing a group project. I will be picking the groups randomly, and please don't complain about the results. You're not high schoolers anymore." Professor Grant said with her usual drowsy voice. She clicked on her computer a few times, and then started to announce the partners. "Swift, Martinez." "Eilish, Bieber."... "Gray, Skinner." Conan gaped in shock as he miserably stared at the ginger haired boy who seemed to be the 'Skinner' guy. "H-hey...I'm Robbie Skinner...." "Nice to meet you, Skinner." Conan said in an unbelievably cold and sarcastic tone. I didn't know he could sound like that. He was always so kind to me...I thought, but my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of professor Grant saying my name. "(y/l/n), Briggs." she said. 'That's me...who's the 'Briggs' guy?' I thought.

Then, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. "Hey." I turned around to see a handsome guy with medium long brown curls. "Hey...uh, do I know you?" "Well...my name is Ryan Briggs...and I suppose you must be (y/n) (y/l/n)?" "Uh, yeah. How do you now my name?" "Oh, I heard it when the professor did the roll call." "Oh, I see. Pleased to meet you." "So, may I have your number please?" "For...what?" "Uh, because we have to do the project?" "Oh, yeah, right. Hold on." I gave him my number then turned back to see an extremely annoyed Conan staring at me. 

(a/n) : I just made that name up. To all namesakes, I'm so sorry.

"Who's that?" Conan asked. "Oh, that's the 'Briggs' guy. He's my partner for the group project." Conan opened his mouth slightly to say something, but soon closed it and started his work. He looked irritated, which was both super hot and super scary.

 He looked irritated, which was both super hot and super scary

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after class

"Hey, Y/n!" I heard a voice calling me from behind while I was walking home with Conan. I turned back to see Ryan Briggs, the project partner. "Oh, hey...uh..." "Ryan." He smiled and I slightly blushed in embarrassment. It was getting harder to memorize things, and the fact that I did that in front of Conan was even more embarrassing. "So, I was wondering if we could meet on Saturday-" "No." Conan growled in a low voice. "Uh, I wasn't talking to you-" "She has some...things to do with me, as you can see." He said as he smirked and grasped my arm tightly. "Sorry, Ryan. he's a bit too protective." I smiled nervously. "Maybe I could manage to meet you on Sunday." "Okay, cool. See ya on Sunday." Ryan smiled and walked past us.

"What was that?" Conan asked me, still gripping my arm. "What do you mean?" "What was that guy doing?" "Conan, he's my partner for the group project. It's nothing personal." "...I don't like him." "Are you being jealous?" I asked in a joking tone, trying to loosen up the atmosphere. "Yes. I...I don't want you to talk like...that in front of other guys." Conan said as he looked at me with those charming hazel eyes.

Of course, those eyes. Those eyes were going to be the death of me. "Uh, yeah, sure. But-" "Thank you, y/n." He smiled and gently kissed my hands. I was about to say something but forgot it immediately as I took a moment to appreciate how hot this human being is. I fall for him literally every second even though I'm already dating him. His sweet words and mesmerizing face was enough for me to fall in love and forget everything and act dumb. He was like a drug, both tempting and addictive. 

"So, let's go home, shall we?" "Sure." I smiled and took his hand, walking to the car. I secretly texted Ryan to meet at Sunday in a café nearby the campus. Even though Conan seemed to hate Ryan, I still had to do the group project. I'm sure nothing will happen.


(a/n) : No ❤

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