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Freya could not breathe

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Freya could not breathe.

Even with Freya finally accepting Bella's fate, she still couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that this was it. Not even with the treaty being broken and Bella bitten — no, Bella would die carrying a child that her body couldn't cope with.

Then, it didn't help with her thoughts being accompanied by Aro, who was in her head thick as a pulse. It polluted her mind, making it harder to think straight or to cope with her emotions.

"This is your choice," said Freya to her cousin. "But I can't stick around and watch it happen, Bella."

"I understand," Bella replied, offering a small smile. "This isn't goodbye, Freya."

It certainly felt like it, but Freya couldn't bring herself to say goodbye. Now, at that moment, Freya wished she hadn't been so angry before with Bella's relationship with Edward. They had come close, to fall apart; the moments they could have had, had vanished.

"I don't understand," Jacob argued.

Bella sighed. "Jake—"

"No, don't," snapped Jacob. "Freya, let's go."

"Wait, Jacob," Bella tried.

There was no stopping Jacob, not even as Freya shot her cousin one last smile before hurrying after him out of the Cullen household. Jacob was angry — and had every right to be when it came to grief — but he couldn't shut Freya out over it.

"Jacob, stop!" Freya shouted after him.

He reached the motorbike, pausing for a second.

"Can we talk about this?" Freya demanded, becoming frustrated.

"Talk about what?" Jacob rounded on her. "How Bella is carrying a leech that'll kill her and this town?"

Freya frowned at him. "I get you're angry, but it's not my fault."

He laughed. "No, surprisingly not this time. Unless you've lied to me again."

Freya's face collapsed, having known this would be coming at some point. His anger had been smothered to the point that he was waiting to blow, and now Jacob was cracking.

"Jake..." Freya reached for him.

"Don't," he told her, stepping backwards. "I already lost you, Freya. And now Bella?"

He kicked the motorbike, where it went crashing across the Cullen's driveaway. Then, Jacob rushed forward to phase with Freya far away from the change.

"Wait!" Freya cried out.

But Jacob hadn't left as he knew he couldn't nor did he want to when it came at risk for Freya. The wolf looked back to her, not meeting her gaze, but paused enough for them to think about what to do next.

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