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Tanjiro POV:

I woke up and was on the shoulder of Kana smiling to the others, one minute later everyone noticed that i was awake and i played with them. Everyone wanted to test me how i would do if i fought a demon so every mission some of them came and they were very shocked.

2 weeks and 3 days later:

I was going out for a walk until.. i saw the hashiras there with a demon that was very scared and looked like she was going to cry any moment in the shadow. some were talking bad things about her and that she is a bad demon, Sanemi and Iguro were punching her and Sanemi wanted to kill her with his sword and she stabbed her first and wanted to give her a whole scar around her stomach until they killed him and i was crying at the moment at how they treated her. he was about to slash her until i bodyflickered in the way that was slashing me, i was crying at the moment of how painful it was and how they treated her and i didnt notice that the demon girl and the others were crying to, some were shocked and couldnt move and before i lost consciousness my last sentence was Are you okay..?

Other POV:

Everyone except Sanemi and Iguro were crying at the point. The demon girl was crying to and tried to talk but couldnt and she unconsciously used her demon art, it was called flame healing/exploding flame. with her blood in her shoulder she used her blood demon art and everyone was crying and at the last moment they saw her use her blood demon art and reacted too late, they all lost hope on Tanjiro first but they were shocked at what they saw. Tanjiro his injury was getting healed but not completely but turned into big scar. 3 lowermoons saw what happend to Tanjiro and came out of where they were hiding and it looked like they cried there eyes out too. the hashiras were on guard on why there were 3 lowermoons here until one of them began to speak and said WHY DID YOU HARM SUCH A SWEET YOUNG BOY, YOU NEED TO PAY!! They all attacked the hashiras.

After the lowermoons were killed:

They all thought the same thing and that was why they cared for Tanjiro, until Ubuyashiki interuppted and said that they needed to investigate it. 

Tanjiro POV:

I regain consciousness and heard people talking and opened my eyes and saw that i was laying on the demon girls lap. she was the first one to react and began to cry from happiness and after that she hugged me, the others looked behind and saw me awake and immediatly hugged me. I saw 3 heads behind them and saw who they were and they saw me too and began to smile and whisper of how happy they were to saw me healed. they disintegrated and i didnt realize i was crying and the demon girl hugged me tighter and gave me a stare that said that it was okay for me to cry. i immediatly thought why and burst out in crying and hugged her tighter. after i cried out i decided to name her Nezuko and that she will be my sis, the others didnt want it the first days but after they thought of how she saved me they agreed!


To be continued..

Yooo sorry i forgot this, please forgive me 🥺

baby Tanjiro ( both sides )Where stories live. Discover now