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29 years ago

(All is being spoken in Italian)

"Is this all you need hun?" The lady at the register asked as she rang my items up.

"Yes ma'am." I replied while watching the news off to the side on the small tv. It's talking of a murder that has been recently caught.

"Why do you think he did those things?" I ask the lady referring to the tv.

"He's hurt. He wants revenge. It's how he gains back the power to overrule his pain. Pain and revenge can make people cruel and sick." She says.

"Your very wise." I reply.

She chuckles and says " No I'm just old. Anyways that'll be $10.57 Miss,?"

"Valentina but you can call me Val!" I say as a hand her the exact amount of money.

"Beautiful name Val, might I ask what's a young girl like you doing getting things for a baby?"

"It's for my little sister. She's gonna be born in a couple months. I wanted to get her something so she knows I'll be the very best sorella she could have."

"That's sweet hun, I have no doubt you will be. She will be extremely lucky."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Please call me, Miss Shirley. Now run along and get home to your mamma. I don't want you wandering the streets at night."

"Thank you Miss Shirley, have a good night!" I replied as I ran out the store.

"You too Val!" She yelled back.

I ran through the streets all the way home with a smile on my face. Mamma's belly has been hurting so I got some medicine to help along with some chocolate because it always heals people right up.

I ran through the doors to our small apartment and went straight to the kitchen counter where I quickly got the the few things out.

"I'm home from school mamma!" I yelled but got nothing but silence in return.

"I got your medicine and some chocolate and even a present for sissy! Oh and your present!" Still no response.

"Mamma? Where are you mamma?" I questioned beginning to worry.

I went to her bedroom to see her not there but her bathroom door slightly opened. I walk towards it.

"Mamma I got you some pretty red roses. Your favorite! Where r you?" I pushed open the door the rest of the way.

A cry broke from my lips as a the room came into view. Streaks of red coated the floor , walls, sink, toilet. All of it leading to where Mamma was lying in the bathtub in a pool of her own blood.

"Mamma! No no please mamma. Your alright." I rush over to her and shake her dropping the flowers on the way.

No response.

"Please mamma say something. Your gonna be okay." Tears pour down my cheeks.

I lift her dress and my cry's become louder as I uncover her legs to her stomach. Bruises and scatter her thighs. The worst ones cover her belly. I crawl into the tub and lay on top of her. I hold her and tuck my face to her neck.

"I love you mamma." I whimper into her neck.

Isabella Eleanor Creed-

Valentina Gianna Ferrari-

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Valentina Gianna Ferrari-

Valentina Gianna Ferrari-

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Hope you guys like, I don't have specific people I imagine as my characters but you can imagine whoever you want

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Hope you guys like, I don't have specific people I imagine as my characters but you can imagine whoever you want. :)
Enjoy (;

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