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It has been a week since my Beta who was more than a loving Daddy to me lost his life while bravely defending the pack minors against a Rogue attack. He left behind my mom who was a shadow of what she'd been when he, her mate, was alive. She was incapable of bearing the endless waves of pain that came with the invaluable loss and broken mate bond, THUS, followed him to afterlife. I still remember her last words, her empty orbs that reflected the loss of reason for her existence as she could not hold on any more and stopped breathing altogether just beside his deathbed. It was as if even the whole universe could not stop them from being together even after death. It's been a week now as I stand here, watching as the guests come and go, offering consolations, her death ceremony coming to its end.

My eyes naturally get drawn to the tombstone of my God parents, side by side, their names engraved on the marble, the letters and the inscription below filling me with a sense of loss as I desperately try to stop the wet sensation from dropping down my eyes and stain my cheeks. In order to do so, my orbs find the image other two tombstones just behind theirs, the marble and letters familiar to my mind from the age of six. The tombstones bringing back the memory of my biological parents who lay under, and my MOTHER'S last words that have kept me going to this day ....


Carmen(pov) :- 18 years ago

"Hey mom look I made a flower crown for you and dad. You've come after so many days; I missed you, why aren't you playing with me? Are you both very tired, mom? Why are you and Dad sleeping on the ground? UNCLE, why is mom not speaking?" I could clearly see both of them sleeping in the ground, silent, so silent that an unknown fear grew in my heart. I shakily reached for my MOTHER's shoulders in order to shake her awake, IT DIDN'T WORK. My hands increased their intensity, no longer caring whether I was hauling them awake when I felt a pair of strong, muscular arms under my arms and separate me from my sleeping parents. My mind was in chaos as I desperately tried to reach for my FATHER as UNCLE held me back with a strong hold on my waist. Unknown to me, my eyes started watering as two crystals like tears rolled down my cheeks, many following after. My AUNT cupped my cheeks, finally diverting my gaze from the heavy sleepers to her Hazel orbs brimmed with tears, did not say anything and silently picked me up from my UNCLE's strong hold. She shakily walked towards my FATHER's office, which I was allowed to enter only under my parents or uncle-aunt's supervision, never alone. I could remember the same way my MOTHER used to hold me when she went inside the office, my legs dangling around her waist.

She put me down on the couch at the right end of the office and sat down beside. Taking my small hands in her mature ones, she said in a convincing tone, softly and deliberately "Carmen, my babygirl, I am going to say something very important and I need you to listen carefully to what I say. Will you do it, sweetheart?" She continued shortly after I shakily nodded in answer. "Your MOTHER and FATHER were the greatest and most generous people to ever exist on this beautiful Earth. They were no ordinary people but brave leaders of our pack – The Silver Thunder. They were strong but had a golden heart. Do you agree with your Aunt, sweetie?"

"Yes" Her facial expressions remained the same, making me unable to get a peek at her thoughts.

"So Did they tell you where were they going, leaving you with us?"

"Yes they told me that they are going to meet very important people for very urgent work. They also said there were dangerous people as well that is why they will take me there to meet their friends when I grow up and become strong." I didn't knew why my cheeks were wet, But I could feel my eyes water unknowingly, as if my eyes had a mind of their own.

"Sweetie those important people were none other than The KING and The QUEEN and the place where they went was THE ABODE (the name of the castle where werewolf royalty lived)

"So let me tell you what happened there baby girl. After work finished they were coming back from the meeting but they were accompanied by the Royal Family as well. Royal Family means The KING, The QUEEN AND The PRINCESS..." I gazed at Aunt's face in confusion as she stopped abruptly and sniffed silently. It was as if she was trying to stop something from taking claim, on her eyes, on her face, ON HER VOICE .

"Excuse me sweet cheeks, So where were we?...AH! so when they were coming back they fought off a Rogue attack targeting the Royal Family and ....and ..th..THEY were fighting along with the royal guards in order...in order to protect the Royal Family .But...but they were outnumbered and...and...and THEY died , my bella, th...THEY died fighting ....." Although I was young I could still make out who she was referring to as 'THEY' and I stared blankly at my aunt who was crying hysterically.....I saw from the periphery someone running towards her, someone buff, My Uncle.

"Aunt, please don't cry otherwise mom says that your eyes will become all red and puffy and ugly. Moreover why are you so sad, Mom says when one dies they go to Moon Goddess, our mother, and have no sorrow, only happiness."

"OH MY POOR BABY...." I don't know why but she started crying even more intensely and even poor Uncle was starting to rub the rims of his eyes. My blank mind came to heart breaking realisation when I thought I could never meet my mom and Dad and I would have to live alone.


A dire situation I could not help but shudder in fear when stuck in it. My tears wouldn't stop and my vision became watery. My throat clogged and all of a sudden IT BECAME DIFFICULT TO BREATHE. My dizzy mind revolving around all the things That I would've to do alone, no one by my side to tickle me, to feed me, to tuck me in......I desperately clutched the ends of my knee length skirt in order to gain a sense of consolation from the dead silk clutched in my palms. My ears, clouded suddenly became clear and I was pulled out of my reverie by a panicked but soft voice.

"...sweetie....sweetie breathe baby... oh my poor baby...!!!"

"Aunt, will.... Will I live alone...?" my voice broke at the end I could not contain an upcoming hiccup followed by a sob.

"No baby... How could you think like that? We're always here for you. Don't you want to live with us?" The hoarse voice of my Uncle hit my eardrums and those words calmed my restless heart in a moment.

"ye.. yes I want to live with my Aunt and My Uncle forever.....But there's one condition: You will not leave me like mom and Dad, will you? I won't let you go. If so we'll all go to Moon Goddess together." My childish words, carrying a lisp due to weeping while talking made them smile while crying- a crying smile- yet it was one of the most precious ones in the world. Their eyes held sadness but shrouded by a feeling – the feeling of one who finally found the precious treasure he's been longing for ages. Unexpectedly, that day I lost something valuable and gained something precious and instead of being angry at the Moon Goddess, I was glad to find two guardian angels bestowed to me-MY AUNT AND UNCLE.

"Thank you my dear, I don't know what I would and Julia do without you, mio prezioso {my precious}, we will never leave you, NEVER!!" It was the first time for me to see Uncle Dan with such a dumbstruck expression, a tremble in his usual strong, cold voice. And I hoped that it was my last as well. OH Boy !!! was I wrong....SO WRONG.

Present :-

Recalling those moments made me shudder and a drop of tear forced its way through my cheeks travelling down to the ground. Watching these tombstones made me realise how two people incapable of bearing children made me such a great Alpha as well as the immense amount of love and care they provided. The comfort they gave for me to overcome my fears and help to bear responsibilities made me who I am today.

I was now alone by myself sitting in front of the four tombstones remembering the old moments as everyone left after the funeral ceremony, when one of my warriors came and told me that the werewolf king and queen are waiting for me in my office at the pack house. So I quickly got off and wiped the remnants of the tears, squared my shoulders and took a deep breath in order to restore the practised calm demeanour that a leader should possess.

Still in some deepest corners of my mind, I reminisce the Promise Uncle made. I never knew I would deduce the cause of breaking it Later.


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