Finding Ky

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I awake by the sound of constant tapping at my window, I uneasily stumble my way to the sound. I peak unaware through my curtains and rub my eyes. The pitch black makes it hard to see anything, but eventually my eyes adjust and I see the familiar outline of my boyfriends shoulders. His smile lights up the black night when he sees my face at the window. I giggle to myself and my heart warms... Today is our three month anniversary, but even before we dated Kyle was always there for me. I think back to the first day we met.


About a year ago, late September. When things weren't so good for me. My parents got divorced. After my moms dad died, she felt like my father was never there for her. Later, she caught dad with another woman. I live with mom mostly, dad when I choose. My sister and my mom never really got along since gramps died, so she left and moved in with our dad. I took all this pretty hard, and my best friend Maci had just moved schools, so Kyle living 3 houses down was a good person to vent to.

I remember him coming over a week after gramps passed away and just holding me, practically a stranger then, as I cried my heart out. He kept coming until school piled up. Then, he promised to come every Wednesday. A promise kept, too. That went on for the longest time, till finally, I felt sorry for him and started walking over to his house.

Now, we have this tire swing we call Whistle. Kyle and I named it that because of the beautiful sound that it makes when the wind blows through the center. Whistle is the exact spot where me and Kyle had our first kiss and where Kyle asked me out. (Before,) We joked about dating, of course, but finally the joke was over. It was about a 8 months after the weekly visiting started, as we swung on Whistle Kyle leaned in for a kiss. As soon as my lips were about to touch his, he whispered in the softest tone, "Amelia Jet, be mine...?"


I budge my window open until it lets a crack open up. "Ame, I have something to show you. Bring a blanket and meet me outside right away, okay?"

"Kyle..." I groan.

"I promise...It'll be worth it, baby."

I shake my head 'no' then seeing his pitiful smile give in and say, "Oh alright Ky, give me a sec." I grab my thickest blanket and slip on my old gray converse. I know my mom will hear me if I use any of the doors so I fight with my old rusty window till it opens enough for me to squeeze through. My shirt gets caught and I quietly start laughing.

"What is it?" Ky ask.

"Bae, I'm stuck." I say, in between laughing at myself.

Ky jogs to the window. Then my 'Knight in Shining Armor' frees my shirt from the dam, ole window.

"Here, Let me hold the blanket." Ky says as he takes the blanket from me. "Now, cover your eyes," I give Ky my 'seriously?' face and he pinches my cheeks together into a fishy face then kisses my puckered lips. He gives me a half smile, then walks behind me and covers my eyes, "Trust me."

We start walking and I can feel the grass getting taller. The parts where mom doesn't bother to mow because its farther from the house, "Ky, where are we going?"

"We're here, love." I uncover my eyes and look around expecting to see something, when I fully check all around I look at Ky confused and he laughs at my confusion. He throws open the blanket and lays it on top of the grass. "Lay down, I'll show you after you do."

I lie down and watch Ky. He lies next to me then brushes the hair from my face. I giggle, "Show me?" He smiles and points upward. When I look up I see the beautiful stars, probably the best view I've ever seen of them. Even then, I don't get why Ky would get me out the house so late for this. "Well its beautiful, I- ..I just don't-"

Ky cuts me off, "These stars are gorgeous. There no where near as beautiful and precious as the time I spent with you though, Ames. Your Grandpa fixed this just for us tonight."

His mention toward my Gramps brings back cold, harsh memories, and I start to tear up. Ky notices and he leans over, wipes my tear and leaves a kiss in its place. Then he whispers in that soft voice, "3 of the best months of my life.. I love you."

Its the first time he's ever said it... It takes my breath away and another tear rolls down my cheek. I catch my breath and return, "I love you too, Ky."

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