blue hair's odd discovery

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I dont trust this white snake. he doesn't understand anything about life. he's an idiot he could never protect the princess I'm going to end up protecting both of them. why. then there is the other nutter. she's strong i can sense it and she held my spear with only one hand but I don't trust her either. with so few people left to trust i don't like the situation I'm in. not to mention the princess is mine so kija... what am i thinking I'm nothing but her body guard. what kind of thing has enormous black feather wings. why would she travel with us... it doesn't make sense. i need some answers. weve been traveling for about a week the good for nothing white snake is actually for once being helpful apparently he can feel the other dragons and is leading us to the blue dragon... its early i should look for somethig for breakfast. 

Then i see her she is taking off her outer nun cloak again revealing a lot of dangerous weapons. sash turns i see the holes cut into her clothing so I'm looking at her skin but it doesnt look liker her skin. two long black things shoot out of th holes and then somehow turn into her wings. she notices me and gives a slight nod. i approach cautiously . 

"I'm going to find us some meat" she says tiredly. i nod 

"ill come with you" she looks moderately surprised but doesn't object. "I'm flying so unless you want a ride your going to have to stay on the ground." she says eyeing me. 

"the ground is fine" i respond. I end up loosing her in the sky and can't seem to find much of anything. I'm collecting some dry sticks that will help with a fire mumbling 

"how do i get her to explain" when whoosh she's right there. 

"what do you want explained she asks hovering above the ground. i stand up to my full height and look down at the dark haired girls in front of me. i cross my arms. she doesn't look even remotely concerned. 

"if your not going to tell me anything we should spare. i can gage how strong you are by that" 

"fine. weapons or hand to hand" i look at her for a moment before stating "weapons" she again nods and we get into fighting positions. he wings fold up and go back into her body seemingly as she rocks onto her toes.

I launch an average attack at her but she's fast she moves out of the way and leap frogs over me. a weird move. i swing she doges i swing again she doges i sweep my spear causing a large gust of wind to hit her and swing again but she still dodges. she's good. i cage my style and being behind her. i lead with my right foot so as to fake a right hit but at the last second switch but she still manages avoid. i step up my foot work and dance around her. i land a couple of blokes but nothing good enough to knock her down. however she doesn't attack. frustrated i ask "why aren't you attacking" she responds bluntly "i could accidentally kill you"

"i seriously doubt it. only use your skills and well see"

"I'm trained to injure not kill. if you want me to attack you must accept the fact i will injure you" she says with a straight face.

"go right ahead" she suddenly leaps over me but uses her legs to grab my neck I'm thrown to the ground and in seconds she has my arm twisted back in a terrible angle. herr knee is driving into my back rather hard and her other hand has a knife to my throat.

"yield" she breathes. i grab her arm that is holding the knife to my throat but she twists my arm harder and pushes her knee farther into my back at the same time. i won't give up if i yield that means i can't protect yona.

"no it doesn't. you are unused to my style of fighting coupled with the fact I'm not human you are the most capapble person to protect her. your strength rivals mine and I'm not a human" she says getting off me. I'm panting i didn't yield yet she let go of me. does she pity me how does she know what im thinking. she rolls her eyes.

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