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I roll my eyes out of habit just from the tone of voice. Coach has never been the softest with his criticism but I've learned to deal with it, I'm his favorite anyways.

I'm pretty much counting down the minutes until this scrimmage ends. The boys football team has the field after us. They usually start showing up before our practice is over, and I hate when they watch us play.

It's not that I'm embarrassed of my soccer skills, I'm good and everyone knows it. I know that sounds conceited but it's the truth. Our school team is ranked #2 in the state, and I'm a starting striker. It's been my dad's dream for me to play in college since I was a kid.


I can hear the boys snickering from the sidelines, duffel bags in hand. They've always found it amusing to listen to Coach Festus' bitching and then repeat it when they pass me in the hallways.

After what feels like an eternity I finally hear Festus sigh; "Alright bring it in."

Me and the rest of the team start to jog over to the sideline. I feel a pat on my shoulder and turn around

"That was a nice assist earlier, really saved my ass"

"Oh please, my pass was so far left. It only looked good because you and your superhuman speed somehow got to it in time."

"Well I got a good goal out of it so thanks anyways" Carly, our left winger, smiles at me.

We continue walking off the field, discussing all our mistakes from today's practice.

"Alright ladies, I'm gonna be honest with your" I hear Festus say as the team gathers around him

"Wouldn't expect anything less" I smile sarcastically. He ignores me and continues.

"I know the season hasn't officially started, but I'm already liking what I see. I know I may be a little... harsh with you all, but I think we really have a chance at states this year."

He goes on about polishing our skills and getting more used to each other as a team, most of which I tune out, and then finally dismisses us. I start towards the parking lot, unfortunately meaning I have to walk past the football team.

I approach the group, hoping they don't notice so I can just slide right by. I've almost made it until I hear a voice that I know all too well.

"Avoiding us I see.."

I wince at the call out and slowly turn around.

"I don't know where you could possibly get an idea like that!"

The owner of the voice emerges from the crowd, slowly making his way towards me.

"Oh come on, don't tell me our friendship is ruined after just one bad night!" He feigns disappointment.

"Well, you know me Caden, constantly avoiding my problems." I look up at him to make eye contact and smile with exaggerated sweetness. He lets out a breathy laugh.

"Sydney, if you're going to avoid us after every time you get wasted and embarrass yourself at one of our parties, I don't have much hope for our friendship."

"Yeah c'mon Syd, it's not thaaaat embarrassing to drunkenly get up on a table and strip to 90210! You did Travis Scott proud!" I hear someone say from the group now in front of me, probably Tyler. I cringe at the mention of my actions.

"Okay well I should get going..." I start to turn back around and take a step towards the parking lot.

"Ya go home and take a shower, you smell like shit." Caden says, laughing from behind me.

I flip him off over my shoulder. I can practically feel him smirking.

"See you tomorrow Sydney bear!"

 I ignore him as I finally see my brother's car. I get in the passenger's seat and slam the door behind me.

"Wow you smell like shit." Yes, meet my loving brother everyone.

"So I've been told." 

I don't know if anyones gonna read this. I'm just bored as hell and need something to do this summer LMAO. Maybe I'll make a tik tok about this to get people to read it??? Anyways this is just me living vicariously through fiction.

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