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"Mornin' Hon!" The little orange clock appeared in the air beside her, as energetic as ever. 

"Morning, Minutes. Any alerts or updates I should be aware of for today?"

"Not at the moment, Darlin'!"

"Okay, thank you, talk to you later."

"See ya!" The orange clock disappeared as Val got settled in her office for the day. The start of another day - another long day.

She was just going through some files and notes that she had piled up on her desk when suddenly, a portal opened up in the centre of the room, grabbing her attention. She got excited, thinking it might be Mobius, but then again, he always used the door. 

Who arrived was entering via a portal and was definitely not Mobius...

She recognized him right away though - it was the man, the Loki. The Loki Variant, from the file given to Mobius earlier. 

He was dressed in a grey TVA jumpsuit and clearly he had a TemPad, the only way to explain the portals, but how had he gotten it, and what was he doing jumping around the TVA? The God of Mischief jumping around this place freely? That was just a recipe for disaster, anyone could - and would - tell you that. 

"Asgard?" he breathed, noting the runes and artifacts around her office. 

"Can I help you?" she rose from her desk.

He jumped, seeming to have noticed her for the first time, and stared for a moment before blinking away, back through another portal, there and gone just as quickly as he had appeared. 

Taken aback, she stood, staring and blinking at the spot he had just appeared and disappeared from, before she tapped on the own TemPad, bringing up Miss Minutes once more.

"What can I do for you, Dear?"

"Minutes, alert the Minutemen - the Variant was just here."


"So you're working with him now?"


"Didn't he try to kill you?"


"And you think this is a good idea because?" She had yet to meet the infamous Variant.

"Because, he can help us find his other Variant." Mobius had a certain twinkle in his eye. 

"This is true." She knew what a toll this new case had taken on him, and knew how much he wanted to trust this Loki to help them with it. It was perfect - all except for the fact that Loki could be and was known to be very untrustworthy.  "But you know he's going to try and betray you, right?"

Mobius nodded.  "Oh, he'll try.  He'll try... Now come on, let's get you acquainted with everyone."

"Everyone?" She followed him to his desk where Loki and a red-haired young woman stood. 

Mobius stopped before them, gesturing between them and his  companion. "Loki, Val. Val, Loki. And Lady Sigyn. Lady Sigyn, Val. Val, Lady Sigyn."

"Of Asgard," Sigyn finished.

Loki and Sigyn - well this was certainly getting more and more interesting, that was for sure...

So this was them...

"Right, sorry.  And Val knows all about that," Mobius stated. "She's our very own Former Civilizations Specialist."

"Former Civilizations? But Asgard isn't a former civilization," said Loki.

"Not by your timeline, but by mine," Sigyn said.  Her expression darkened, and when she spoke next, her voice was soft, just above a whisper, barely audible. "Ragnarok."

"Yes. And every civilization is former at some point on the Timeline," Val noted. 

This was them...

"Val's working with me on the case," Mobius stated, a certain amount of pride in his voice she noted.

"Unofficially," she added.

There was a pause, a dragging moment of silence before Loki said, "This is turning out to be quite the party."  

Some party...


"How's Mobius?" Val was certain Mobius wouldn't give her an accurate answer, so she was relying on the help of Miss Minutes. 

"Agent Mobius is working hard, as usual! That Loki's sure a jerk though."


"Yeah, he swatted at me - with a rolled up magazine!"

"I see..." The next time she met up with the group - Mobius, Loki, and Sigyn - they were at Mobius's desk.  

"Um, will you two excuse us for just a second-" She grabbed Mobius by the tie and dragged him away to another cubicle. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Well, no, not exactly." He admitted.

"I can't believe Renslayer's okay with this."

"Well, she's not exactly," he also admitted.   "But seeing as we're after a Loki Variant, gaining the help of another Loki seems pretty exceptional, especially at this point, where our leads are thin, few and far between."

"Yeah, okay, but you do know this guy is the God of Mischief and Lies, right? He could literally stab you in the back at any time."

"I know.  That's why I'm careful."

"You can never be too careful with Asgardian." And she was speaking from a lot of personal experience. Like, a lot.

"Besides, his friend seems nice and helpful, and he's curious, I can tell."

"The best of us are." She sighed a little.  "Just be careful, Mobius."

"I will be. Hey, don't you worry," he assured her with a smile.

But still, she worried, as she constantly did. Because that was what you did when you loved someone, worried about them constantly, even if they remembered you or not - especially so. 

No matter what.

(I have yet to watch the last episode of the Loki series - I want to savour it, but I'm super excited! ;)

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed as always! :))

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