A Familiar Face

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The king was sitting in his counsel room with all of his advisors. They were planning an attack on the city of Darkwood when Romana Cache knocked on the door. The king cried for her to enter the room. "This better be good for you to interrupt one of my meetings, or I will have you beat to a pulp."

    "It is, my king, I have someone who has some great information for you. If you would just come to the great hall, we have someone who has the most important information for you."

    The king got out of his seat and left the room telling his advisors to wait there; he would soon be back. He followed Romana to the great hall and took a seat in the throne. He waited for Romana to go get the person who it was most important to go see. Romana hurried outside the great hall and brought back a large cloaked man.

    "Remove your hood so I can speak face to face with the man in front of me," Pierce directed.

    The man removed his hood. It was Dane Porter. What good does he have seeking counsel with the king? This moment would prove pivotal in the war.

    "I have great information for you, my king."

    "Where do you come from?" Pierce asked.

    "I'm from Benethia," Dane said, "and I wish to join your army."

    "Romana, this is hardly great news," Pierce scolded.

    "No, my king, it is regarding my sister," Dane corrected.

    "What good do I have with your sister?"

    "She is the spirit stalker and she is raising an army to fight against you."

    "I highly doubt your sister is the spirit stalker," Pierce laughed.

    "It is true, she can speak with dragons, and she is a white witch. I fear you will be defeated by her."

    "I won't be defeated by one fool and her army. My men go through the most rigorous program to learn to fight, and my sorcerers are trained to kill. My army grows with each passing day with those loyal to me. Why should I fear the spirit stalker? She can be killed just like the rest of us," Pierce spat.

    The king was oblivious of what it meant to be the spirit stalker. His advisors would think much more deeply about this accusation. The king thought there was nothing which could defeat his army. Especially if they were on the offensive which he was just in the process of doing.

    "I fear she has the movement of all of those who disobey your rule," the cowardice Dane said.

    "You are mistaken; everyone obeys my rule."

    "This couldn't be farther from the truth."

    "What makes you so sure?" Pierce smiled.

    "I hear whispers of uprisings, and I thought it would be best if you knew."

    "The only ones who disobey my rule are the dwarves and the elves. This is why I have placed a bounty on all of their heads."

    "There are men who wish to see you dethroned as well," Dane shared.

    "I am aware of these men in Boromagard. I have an idea to silence their opinions. They think they can publically announce their claim to the throne without me seeing?" Pierce rhetorically asked.

    "There are men like this everywhere. Your time as king is coming to an end, they say."

    "My time as a king has only just started. I will get rid of all those who believe they can fight against me. If you say your sister is the spirit stalker, stay, so my artist can get an accurate drawing of her. We will place a bounty on her head. Why couldn't you have just brought her to me?"

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