6. Recovering Hope

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Lucy's POV

Once the train arrived in Magnolia Town, Natsu and I headed straight towards our home. I didn't even take the time to talk to any of my friends. But, they knew what I had to do. Opening the door to your home, I saw Happy reading to Nashi.

"Hi Natsu. Hi Lucy. Welcome home." Our daughter looked up with her bright happy eyes. At that moment, all our troubles melted away. It was funny, I always thought children would cause us more grief than joy. I was never so happy to be proven wrong.

"Hi Happy. Hi Nashi. Did you have fun while I was gone?" I asked.

Happy marked the book while our daughter charged up to me. I barely got the door closed before the little fluff ball almost knocked me over.

"Yeah! Uncle Happy read to me, played games with me, OH! And he gave me a whole lot of cake!" The Exceed smiled sheepishly at the last remark.

"Not a whole lot. Just a few pieces." I raised an eyebrow but smiled anyway. Little antics like this are the reason why I love my sister, even if it was going to make my little Nashi jump on the walls for a few days. Natsu then spoke up.

"Mhm, and where is Carla?" Marie looked up at the ceiling for a moment, trying to recall where Carla was.

"I think... She is out helping... Wendy. Yeah, I remember that she left a few hours ago." I leaned down and gave Nashi a squeeze.

"Nashi, could you go get her for mommy?"

"Sure!" Our daughter took no time running out of the house to go look for Carla. She was always willing to help us. Seeing that she would be here shortly, I walked upstairs to write a letter to someone. As soon as I had my pencil and paper, I started writing.

"I still can't believe he is like this..." Natsu's worried voice sounded through my ears. I sighed sadly.

"I know... He is a shell of what he was. Hell, he was even missing a leg!" He walked over and gave me a hug to keep me from breaking down right there and then. I hung onto him, trying to hold back my tears.

"What did we do?" The hug only held back my tears for so long. Soon enough, I was letting them fall on Natsu's scarf. My husband could only rub my back and tell me that everything was going to be alright. A few minutes passed by before I could calm myself. I whispered a thank you in his ear and rewarded him with a quick kiss.

"You know I am always here for you." Nastu pulled me in a little tighter.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I don't have to show you my love." I gave him another kiss. Right before I heard the door slam open.

"Mom! I have Carla. Where are you!?" Nashi was faster than I thought. I didn't even get a chance to show Nastu how much I really love him. It would have taken my mind off of (Y/N) if nothing else.

"I'm upstairs!" I turned to my husband. "I have to send a letter to a certain couple. Maybe they can fix this mess."

Nastu left to watch Nashi, not before stealing one last kiss, while I wrote up a storm. I made sure to give the mage every detail I could. One pencil and one long letter later, I was finished. As soon as I rolled it up, Carla was standing behind me, watching me deliver it.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something, Natsu, but it was for a good reason."

"And that would be." I looked at the clouds out of a window.

"To get (Y/N) back."


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