Molotov Cocktails

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I'm laying in bed reading a book, it's relaxing since the boys have left, albeit I'm worried about them. With what Ryan told me I know these people from AJ's past aren't too friendly.

I slide a bookmark into the page I'm on and close my book setting it on my nightstand.

I click off my lamp and get comfortable under my duvet, I hear a click from my bedroom door and I see a figure standing over me with a gun aimed at me.

AJ is asleep next to me in my bed, he looks peaceful I lay awake I don't sleep very well. I stare at my ceiling listing to the AC blow cool air into the room, I hear a noise downstairs and I sit up. I pull the duvet over AJ and walk downstairs I'm only wearing boxers and my hair is a mess.

I get downstairs and I see a van parked out front, I walk over to the bar and I grab my switchblade, and walk towards the door. That's when bricks are thrown through my glass doors and my windows are smashed.

I get down and I hear a yell from upstairs I turn away from the men approaching me and run upstairs. I hear a gunshot and see a bullet hit the wall next to me, I run upstairs and see a figure holding a knife to AJ's throat.

"Drop the knife!" A gruff voice yells at me I drop it and put my hands up. AJ looks scared and I stare firmly at the face of the assailant, I edge towards my dresser. "We warned you AJ" the gruff voice says and I gently open my dresser drawer, I reach in and pull out my gun. I hide it behind my back and we both hear yelling from downstairs, the assailant looks away.

I pull my gun from behind my back and aim it. AJ grabs his cane and smacks the assailant a with it. He dives over the bed as I take the shot, I shoot once and the man yells out in pain.

He drops the knife and tries to escape through the fire escape. I grab him and drag him downstairs with my gun aimed at the side of his head, the two assailants from earlier hold Molotov Cocktails. I walk out with their boss, they look at each other, "leave and don't come back" I say firmly.

Their boss looks at them "do it!" He yells and that's when one throws a Molotov and it hits their boss setting him ablaze.

I watch as the guy screams in pain and burns to death on the ground. I fire my gun in the air and the other assailant drops the Molotov and they both get in the van and speed away. I shoot out their window and I study the license plate, once I'm sure I have plate number I return to AJ.

He's curled up in a ball on the ground hyperventilating. I drop my gun and run over to him I crouch down and take his hands in mine, "hey hey" I say softly and I take his face in my hand and tilt him to look up at me. He takes a deep breath and he hugs me and cries, I hold him and stroke his hair and let him calm down.

Once he calms down he looks at me wide eyed, "Louise!"

I'm being zip tied by a stranger and held at gun point in my own apartment. He sits me down and radios someone, still holding the gun at my head. Goddammit AJ, the man gets frustrated talking in a different language I realize it's Gaelic.

As he argues with the other person on the radio he lowers his gun and yells at the other person. I dive out of my chair and crawl behind my kitchen island, a gunshot goes off and he looks around. "I'll find you missy" I hear his footsteps and I see a kitchen knife, I crawl towards it and I reach up with my zip tied hands.

I grab it and another gunshot goes off and hits the wall above me. I cut myself free and hide in my dark apartment. The man checks behind the island where I just was, he looks around for me and I lunge out and stab him in the ankle. He cries out in pain and a gunshot goes off as I drag the knife up his calf, he picks me up and slams me into the wall and pistol whips me.

My nose is broken and blood leaks onto the floor and onto my hands, I crawl away and grab the wooden chair I was previously sitting in. I break it over the man's back and he aims the gun directly at me. "See you in hell bitch" he says with a smile on his face. A gunshot rings out and the man falls to the floor, Ryan and AJ stand in the doorway.

"Louise!" AJ runs over to me and hugs me "are you okay did he hurt you" I breathe heavily "no I'm fine".

Ryan looks down at the dead body "that bastard lied, he went after all 3 of us" he shakes his head. "We have to get this body out of here". Me and AJ look at each other, "no stay back I'll handle this, I don't want you guys involved, those are my bullets so I must dispose of them properly". We stare at Ryan he picks up the dead guy's gun and hands it to me, "here take this, squeeze the trigger when you want to fire, I'll be back in a bit".

We watch as Ryan lugs the body out and closes the door.

I lug this body down the stairs and into my truck that's parked in the back alley. I throw his body in with the other asshole, I sigh and put my gloves on, I swore I'd never kill again and here I am. Granted this time it was self defense, I get in my truck and drive towards the canyons. When I arrive I toss the bodies down a cliff side and get back in, I turn on some music and start my drive back.

The last time I dropped a body down here was because I killed someone for money. I swore to Jimmy that I wouldn't kill anyone else ever again, now that I broke his promise I feel like a sack of shit.

I grab a cigarette pack from a secret compartment in my dashboard. I pull one out and light it up, I take a long drag and exhale the smoke. I look up at the sky from my windshield "I'm sorry Jimmy" I finish smoking and put my cigarette out on my hand.

I return to Louise's and knock on the door "it's Ryan" I say and the door clicks open. AJ walks back over to Louise and rubs her shoulder, she is holding a rag to her broken and bloody nose.

I walk in "they were taken care of" AJ and Louise both question me "what should we do now?"

I look at AJ "we're going to find Sebastian and kill him".


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