Chapter VII: A Perfect Disguise! A Special Sort of Death!

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...Because meanwhile, back at the castle, Queen Grimhilde was alone, walking to the mirror chamber with a small box in her hands. The very same box she gave the Huntsman to put Snow White's heart into after he killed her. She smiled with some delight knowing that Snow White was finally gone, and her title as fairest in the land was secured. In fact, her mind was so wrapped around such a thought, that she completely forgot about the Straw Hats and her orders from Morganna. She was about to reach the chamber, when standing in her path were Morganna's knights, the Oni, the Knight, and the Jester.

Grimhilde: What are you three doing here? Begone!

The Jester: Uh, uh, uh! That's not-

The Oni: Save it! *to Grimhilde* You know why we're here. Morganna wants to know why you haven't reported in yet. Have the Straw Hats been dealt with?

Grimhilde: Who cares about them. Snow White's death is all that matters to me. *shows the Oni the box* And now I have her heart, and soon I will have the elixir as promised.

The Oni opens the box to see its contents, and then closed it.

The Oni: Are you positive that this is Snow White's heart? And where is the proof that the Straw Hats are gone?

Grimhilde: As if I care, my mirror will be all the proof you need.

The Oni: Then let us see for ourselves then.

The four enters the mirror chamber and Queen Grimhilde address the Spirit of the Magic Mirror once more.

Grimhilde: Magic Mirror on the wall, who now is the fairest one of all?

Mirror: Over the seven jeweled hills, beyond the seventh fall. In the cottage of the seven dwarfs, dwells Snow White, fairest one of all.

Grimhilde: Snow White lies dead in the forest. The huntsman has brought me proof. Behold, her heart.

Mirror: Snow White still lives, the fairest in the land. Tis the heart of a pig you hold in your hand.

Grimhilde: The heart of a pig?!

The Oni: WHAT?! *pushes Grimhilde aside* You're lying! You must be!

Mirror: Only truth reflects in me, for the Huntsman has lied to thee.

The Knight: What about the Straw Hats!? They must be dead!

Mirror: The words I speak are ever true, for the Straw Hats as well are alive too.

Grimhilde: Then I have been tricked!

Grimhilde slammed the casket shut and walked away, completely ignoring the knights as she left the chamber. She went down a flight of stairs leading to a creepy dungeon, rats scurrying about as she went downward. Grimhilde opened a door in front of her and entered a laboratory with test tubes, flasks, and books on various subjects. A raven was asleep on a skull with a hole on top but woke up from a door slam and noticed the Queen, who looked at the casket in disgust.

Grimhilde: The heart of a pig! The blundering fool!

Grimhilde threw the casket hard on the ground. The raven itself was startled by the box's clattering on the floor as the Queen was about to form a plan.

Grimhilde: Serves me right for sending that soft-hearted dolt! It would seem I'll have to end her life myself.

The Oni: That's the least of your problems!

Queen Grimhilde turned around as the door out of the lab is blown away, and the three knights stand in the doorway. The Oni was wielding his sword while the Jester and the Knight stood behind him.

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