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[༛༛༞࿎ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ࿎༞༛༛]

"Kiyoko, my young beauty come here. Quick."

The young Shimizu teen dropped everything she was currently doing, left her room, and rushed to their family kitchen. Sensing the urgency on her mother's voice, Shimizu Kiyoko already knew that this is something more important that her homework.

She arrived at the kitchen and saw her mother leaning her back on the counter, a ladle by her feet, and her hands holding her eight-month-pregnant stomach. Miyōna, the 32-year-old housewife, was looking calm except for the occasional wince that her face expresses.

She smiled slightly to her daughter; knowing that if she panics, then Kiyoko will, too. Thank God her pussy of a husband isn't here. The moment he'll see his wife holding her stomach in pain, she knew he'll faint. God, remind her why she married a husband who acts more like a wife than her.

"Call the ambulance, hun. Tell them to hurry because your baby brother is gonna be born soon, okay? Love ya."

The teen's eyes widened for a second,  her young mind seeping in the information her mother just told her and went straight for the telephone on their living room. She was calm since her mother is, too. She quickly called the nearest hospital and told them exactly what the older Shimizu told her.

[༛༛༞࿎ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ࿎༞༛༛]

When the health workers already laid the older Shimizu into a stretcher and put her in the ambulance van, she then looked at her daughter and smiled. As they were waiting for the workers to arrive, Kiyoko only stayed at her side, occasionally asking if she was okay or needed something. She is proud of her for being calm and collected. Such a responsible little lady.

"TEXT your dad. And for God's sake tell him to calm the f*ck down and go to the hospital. I can't wait to see him fainting, WAHAHAHAHAHAH-ow!"

Kiyoko nodded eagerly while the other people sweatdropped and panicked almost after because the sudden squeal of pain Miyōna expressed. How can this pregnant woman be like that at these times? No one answered, no one knows except for her. And maybe the little Shimizu, too. What a weird family. They pray that the on-the-way baby will be atleast, normal.

[༛༛༞࿎ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ࿎༞༛༛]

Meanwhile, Shimizu Saki is losing his nerves at his office. It was quite Saki-like of him. Him being a CEO, a high and mighty position, is a contrast once it comes down to his personality: pathetic and clumsy. He gets easily shook when it comes to his personal life but acts really smoothly as a professional. To other company bosses, he is cunning and lethal. Someone who is to be afraid of. But to his wife, he is weak and at lost. He is an UNDER after all.

Back to now, he is nearly hyperventilating as he thinks about his wife. The OB-Gyne mentioned last check-up that their second—and last—baby, will be born any time this week soon.

After the meet up of the pregnancy specialist, he has been more and more alert—and more and more nervous— as if her wife will explode in any minute and he might faint. Yes, he'll faint first then call the hospital soon after he wakes up.

He is the same on work, wary eyes occasionally eyeing his phone, ready to faint and sprint whenever his family texts him about the 'baby time'. Right now, he is in the middle of a very important meeting regarding the new stocks they will launch very soon.

And you might ask: Is he listening?

To his erratic heartbeat, yes. To his subordinates, well, not really.

Then his phone vibrated in his pocket—


"Papa, you haven't seen my text earlier so i decided to call you. Mama is being taken to the hospital because my baby brother is coming out soon. Mama said you should be there or you'll be sleeping on the sofa for a month—"

"I'LL COME I'LL COME! Which Hospital, dear? Text me again. Bye. Love you."

After he tapped the end button, his hands found their way to his hair and gripped it tightly. Saishi June, his secretary for life, just rolled his eyes at the sight. He was used to this, his pay should be higher.


"Shimizu-san, we'll have go to the hospital in like RIGHT NOW if you wanna see how young Shimizu will be born."


The two rushed out of the office, clearly ignoring the shocked faces and gaping mouths of the board.

[༛༛༞࿎ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ࿎༞༛༛]

2 hours later, the sound of a crying baby reflected to the corners of the Operation Room. People were rushing around, preparing the things they need to clean the blood off the newborn baby.

At last, the second, and probably the last child of the Shimizu Family is born.

Miyōna and Saki smiled as one of the nurses handed them their baby. He had stopped crying once he felt the overwhelming warmth of his parents. They smiled.

Eyes filled with adoration, Miyōna held him close, closing her eyes in the process as exhaustion finally seeped through her body. She slept, not before muttering another name.

"Saichirou. Shimizu Saichirou."

Who knew he'd be so much like his sister?

[༛༛༞࿎ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ ଠ࿎༞༛༛]

yes, hello. ahahahaha, so....

i got Dengue. i was hospitalized for 2 weeks. fortunately, i survived. and here i am updating this story after a month.

i hope you all kie this one. kinda rushed tho.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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