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Y/N woke up in a flash of pain  as they looked at their Mirror seeing the black marks on your face. To be honest they have been happening ever sense you got your quirk and you have been to the doctor so many times they just don't know what causes it.

"Damn it.." you whispered as you got up and ready for today. It was the day you normally would sell flowers and whatever you had at the store and then you would go see your parents grave you didn't hate them but you did have nightmares about them.

~After they got ready for the day~

You walked downstairs to the kitchen where your mom was making breakfast. "Good morning Y/n! You look cute today" she said through the carrot she had in her mouth. Your mom ate healthy as it helped her quirk and you just learned to live with it sense you didn't really like eating all that junk food anyways.

Today you were wearing some cute overalls that had a rabbit on it with a flower shirt under it and you paired it with a cute bunny sun hat sense you had to work outside today "Good mornin mum.." You said as you yawned.

She brought out your plate as she sat down and then you guys started eating.

After you guys ate you got you're bag and stuff you needed before hugging her goodbye sense she wasn't leaving until later and then you went and put on your shoes. You had put on some converes that matched your outfit as you rolled the pant legs up to show more of your shoes and then you headed out to the store
You lived right next to it and had a way of getting inside but it's more fun to walk in front

And then the day started..

2:10 PM

Stupid fucker
Hey katsu, also yeah I do have a job and no I'm homeschooled. I'm texting because I'm bored rn and today's a slow day

'oh' you thought before seeing someone open the gate you were at "ah, hello sir!" And then you went to help that guy

To be honest it was a slow day and you weren't really that excited for later anyways so you just appreciated that today of all days it was slow until...
"Alright! Were here now let's go mina!" You heard a boy say. You turned around and looked at them it was a male he had blonde hair and what took you by surprise was that he had a lightning streak in his hair

"Haha! I'm coming denki!!" She said running after him you looked at her she was pink and had yellow horns sticking out of her head. She was really pretty to be honest but she was just a stranger so you didn't bother

You walked over to them as more people walked over to them, "Hello! Welcome to L/ns Shoppe May I help you guys?" ((L/n is your adopted moms last name and you would rather be called that last name then your other last name)) "Hi! Sorry were just looking, we heard of this place and wanted to come check it out!" Said the pink girl as she smiled at you as you smiled back before walking away as you felt eyes on you.

"That girl is so cute!" Said the pink girl as she looked around "Hah!? RACCOON EYES YOU FIND EVERYONE CUTE" the angry male yelled causing people to look oer at the group as you did to looking innocent as ever

"Yeah not be rude or anything but sh is cute also bakubro you need to calm down,,, were in a flower shop,," a redheaded boy said trying to calm down what you assumed was his friend amd then you went over to them, "hello! May i offer you guys some tea or would you like to look around more?" You startled the brightly yellow haired boy who looked like pikachu "Oo yes i'll take some tea from ylu anytime mama" a black haired boy said as he walked over to you looking down at you

You nodded and smiled before walking away "you fucking idiots.." said the hotheaded boy you walked over and smiled "go ahead and take a seat over there ypur tea will be out in a few minutes" you pointed to a a table and chairs before you heard the bell chime you turning around to greet them only to see your mother there with some flowers in her hand

You guys smiled at eachother before she went to the counter to display the flowers you walked around helping people and giving other people some tea.

Also let me clarify some things about the L/n Shoppe. L/ns Shoppe is a flower shop but it's also a cafe. You can study there anytime during the day and that's what most people do or they go there to enjoy the view L/ns Shoppe is based on the farm considering your mom used to live on the farm. There's a upstairs and downstairs and it's just really magical. Your not te only ones who work their their are other girls to who work upstairs at the cafe and downstairs at the flower shop so anyways just to clear that up

You grabbed the group's tea and went up to them "sorry for the wait, is there anything else you would like?" You said with a smile on your face "No fuck off shut women" You looked at the man before you as he just frowned in front of you "oh uhm right" you said before taking the tray and walking away quickly

You could hear the group you just served talking to that man about what he did but you didn't mind you were talked to that way all the time at school andnthats why your homeschooled also working and school would just not be cut out.

As the day finished and you were close to closing you noticed te group stayed the whole day you walked up to them smiling " I'm sorry to break it to you but were closing soon so you'll have to leave you can always come back tomorrow"

the guy with black hair frowned before looking at you "what's your name and number then mama?" He said pulling out his phone you looked at him surprised before the pink girl and pikachu pulled their phones out to "I'm y/n l/n,,, my number is ______" Bakugou looked at you confused as he heard that name somewhere he just didn't care where

And then they got up and left you noticed that they left a tip which was sweet you chuckled grabbing the tip and putting it in your pocket you waved goodbye to everyone them knowing where you had to be as you walked to the cemetery.

Once you got there you walked to their gravestones knowing where they were. You looked at them before taking out the flowers you got from the shop and placing them down in the middle of them "I hope you guys are alright... and in heaven" you frowned looking at their gravestones you never really wanted to be there because it brought back memorys which made you sad.

You stayed there an hour just in silence before walking home looking around seeing how busy the city was at night. You loved it even though it was loud. You were just weird like that you took some time walking home just to enjoy the city at its finest 'oh how I'm going to miss this when I die..' you chuckled before you actually got home

That night Katsuki didn't text you at all and so you just went to bed and enjoyed sleep to its finest

This pang is a little longer but it was fun to Wright
Bakugou and Y/n met without realizing how will this turn out
Y/n is becoming more sadder by the days and no one has noticed oh well
~ Author~Chan ~
1359 words

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