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Historia's POV

I watched, amused, as my wonderful husband played with our kids on our front lawn,

"Ah! I've been shot, Sammy! Avenge me!!" my eldest, Olivia, says, feigning death. She's five years old, while Sammy, my son, is two,

"I... I'm not gonna last much longer, baby bro. Get daddy!" Olivia cries, sticking her tongue out and closing her eyes as the final act of her dramatic death scene.

Sammy lets out the cutest little laugh at her big sister and runs to Eren, using his toy sword to attack him,

"Agh! Noooo!" Eren yells out loudly. Olivia definitely got her dramatic side from him.

After Sammy had won the battle, Olivia and Eren start cheering him on,

"Hooray, Sammy! You avenged me, and you beat daddy, yayyy!" Olivia cheers, clapping her hands, causing her little brother to laugh loudly and do the same.

"Yaaahh!" Eren groans, lifting Sammy up, giving him an even wilder case of the giggles,

"Sammy! Sammy! Sammy!" Eren and Olivia cheer as Eren hoists him up in the air like a king.

I haven't stopped smiling since I came out to watch them. They were supposed to be washing the car, but when I came out, they were all just playing and laughing uncontrollably.

As I sat on our porch swing, I couldn't help but smile at all my memories with Eren. And now we have two beautiful kids and one more on the way.

I look down at my belly, feeling my third baby kicking slightly. I smile, as I always do,

"You're gonna have the best childhood, little one. With a mommy that's gonna love you and be there for you no matter what, two amazing older siblings, and a daddy that will try his hardest every time to make you laugh and smile," I whisper to my baby.

When I first moved in with Eren, I had no idea how my life would turn out. I guess, all I wished for was to be content. I never would've imagined this.

What I have now, is perfect. My husband, my children.... my family. My own family.

As I finish with my thoughts, I see Eren and our kids running up to the porch,

"Mommy!" Sammy cries, asking me to lift him up. I do so, putting him on my lap,

"Mommy, we beat daddy so that means we can have ice cream for dinner!" Olivia says excitedly,

"Ya mommy, i crea!" Sammy coos, his baby voice adorable and hard to resist,

"Baby, you can't have ice cream for dinner. It's not substantial enough. You can have ice cream after dinner," I tell my daughter, softly rubbing my finger on her cheek.

She looks at me with those big green eyes, the ones she inherited from Eren that I love so much. Suddenly, her eyes darken and she furrows her eyebrows, snapping her head back to Eren,

"Daddy, we had a deal!"

I furrow my eyebrows, confused. I look to Eren and he's looking at me with a sheepish look,

"Eren..." I scold,

"What? I didn't think they would beat me," he defends himself. I roll my eyes,

"You always make deals with them, and you always let them win," I tell him,

"I know... but how can you resist this face!?" he says, lifting up Olivia like a dog and showing me her face. Olivia, on her part, plays along and flashes me her best puppy dog eyes.

These two I swear. Partners in crime ever since.

I keep a straight face, looking at Eren and Olivia as they make similar facial expressions. I look at Sammy and he's also staring at me with his big blue eyes.

"Ugh, fine," I cave, "one scoop before dinner. But after that we're having real dinner,"

"Yayyy!" all three of them cheer as I roll my eyes,

"Come on, daddy!" Olivia yells, pulling Eren inside. Sammy wiggles out of my grasp as he loses sight of the pair, and runs in after them. I get up to go inside too.

Getting to the kitchen, I see Eren giving Olivia the biggest scoop of ice cream that he can fit onto the scooper, and just a small one for Sammy.

I smile at the view. They all can be handful sometimes. But they're perfect. I'm more than content.... I'm happy...I'm... home.

The End.

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