Stealing Suits You 4

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After you managed to sleep last night, you, Loki and Mobius are all searching through documents again, you still don't understand why, and why Mobius trusts you with them.
"Loki, have a look on the computer." Mobius says, "YOU LIED TO ME." Loki says to you, you laugh, as you turn back around and look at the computer, you scream and trip over Mobius, Miss Minutes is there, "you don't always have to scream, she's not going to kill you." Loki says, "SHUT UP." You say, Mobius laughs, "were y'all looking for something?" Miss Minutes asks, you push a document towards her, like you did yesterday, and she gets information for you, "thank you." You say, "have a nice day y'all, and remember, for all time, always!" She says, she disappears, "that thing scares me still." You say.
A few minutes later, Mobius left to do something, so it's just you and Loki, "Loki," You say, he looks at you, "this place scares me." You say, sitting down next to him, "me too." Loki says, "I just feel like theres something suspicious behind all of this, I feel like we're both still trying to be hunted down by the TVA." You say, "Mobius doesn't think so." Loki says, "but what if Mobius isn't aware of it?" You say, "why wouldn't he be?" Loki says, "I may not be a variant in Mobius' mind, but I am in the guards minds, they might not tell Mobius because we're together, they know that anything they tell him, he'll tell me, so they won't expose anything until they've gotten rid of us, or maybe just me." You say, "smart thinking, but, let's just not think about any of this, we can consider it if something does happen, like maybe if they prune us again, which I hope not." Loki says, you nod, "thanks for listening." You say, "my pleasure." He says.
A few minutes more pass by and Mobius is back, "sorry, I had to discuss something with someone, would you guys care to come with me?" Mobius asks, you and Loki look st each other and then nod, following Mobius.
You're both following Mobius down the halls, "Mobius," You say, "yeah?" He asks, all of you still walking, "I know I'm still a variant, but you just don't tell me," You say, "why can I do magic?" You ask, Mobius sighs, "obviously your form of sorcery is more powerful than our barriers." He says, you give Loki a cocky smile and he nudges you, "are you alright?" You ask Mobius, "the TVA have just asked me to do something, again, that I don't wnat to do, but I'm concerned they'll do it themselves." Mobius says, "they want to prune me and Loki, don't they?" You ask, "and how do you know that?" Mobius asks, "educated guess." You say, "well, yes, you're right  that's what they want to do, but I love you guys, so I can't do that." Mobius says. You, Loki and Mobius all end up in an empty room, "I don't understand.." Mobius says, "they told me to bring you here." He says, "Mobius," You say, sounding serious, "this is a trap." You say, all of a sudden, guards come out from behind the seats in the empty room and aim their pruning staffs at you and Loki, you groan, "told ya." You say, "I'm sorry," Mobius says, looking at you, "I didn't realise." He says, he looks sad and angry at the same time, "I'm going to blame myself forever now." He says, "MOBIUD, YOU IDIOT, WATCH OIT!" You scream as one of the guards launch towards Mobius, you jump in front of them, their staff going right through you, you look at Mobius and Loki as you disappear, back to the place where you go when you're pruned, Mobius and Loki look at each other, they nod, they both stab themselves with the pruning staff and go and find out where you are.
Yet again, the luck of Loki and Mobius allows them to land together at the same place. You land on top of a hill, like you did last time, but it's sandy, not grass, you look around off of the hill, you groan and sit down, you run your fingers through the sand as you sigh, thinking you're going to be there for the rest of eternity.
Loki and Mobius land in the back of a rusty truck which is buried half way into the floor, they both stand up, dusting themselves off, "I can't believe it," Mobius says, "it happened again." He says, "we'll find her, just like we did last time." Loki says, trying to give Mobius at least some hope.
You still sat on that hill, doing nothing.
An hour later, you hear footsteps behind you, you magic a knife in your hand and spin around, it's Mobius and Loki, "thank God." You say, yawning, "finally." Loki says, you and Mobius wrap your arms around each other and hug, but you both stop and turn around as you hear a car engine roaring, theres a black van down at the bottom of the hill, the back of the van is almost like a jail, that you get taken away in, you, Loki and Mobius all stand next to each other and look at each other, then the van, loads of guards come out of the van, weapons aimed, "GET DOWN HERE, VARIANT, OR WE'LL KILL YOU!" They shout, you look at Loki and Mobius, "are they talking to me or Loki?" You ask, "YOU." They shout, losing their patience and looking at you, "god, and I think things couldn't get any worse." You say, "well, I'd rather go with them then die." You say, "love ya." You say to Loki and Mobius, they go to grab you, but it's too late, you're sliding down the hill, the guards shove you into their van and they watch you drive away, Loki and Mobius look at each other, "we have to save her, come on!" Mobius says, running, Loki follows.
You're sat in the van, your hands handcuffed, all guards are aiming weapons at you in the back, you sigh, the guards all look at each other and nod their heads, you feel confused, they stab something into your leg and you feel dizzy, they go to fight you, but you fight back, trying to ignore how dizzy you are and how blurry your vision is. You manage to knock out all the guards in the back, you magic a knife and stab it into the driver, the passenger guard looks at you and goes to take the knife, but you make it disappear, they turn around and see the driver dead, you quickly stab them, you pass out, the van stopping.
Loki and Mobius run up to the van, Loki opens the door and they both see you lying on the bench in the back, "I sure hope she's not dead," Loki says, Mobius glares at Loki, "sorry." Loki says, Mobius steps in the van and feels your pulse, "she's alive." Mobius says, "let's steal this van and get back to the TVA." Loki says, "great thinking." Mobius says.
Mobius is in the passenger seat of the van and Loki is driving, "what did we od last time to get out?" Loki asks, "drive through the smoke, you have to get to the middle." Mobius says, Loki nods, he starts the car and drives towards it.
After a few minutes of Loki being scared, Mobius managed to persuade Loki that nothing will happen, and Loki drives into the smoke, all of you disappearing.
You're all back at the TVA, Loki lands on a table in the lunch area, Mobius lands in a small closet and you land in Mobius' office.
A few minutes later, you wake up, still feeling faint and dizzy, you notice that you're in Mobius' office, you stand up, feeling weak and sigh.
Loki gets up off of the lunch table and rushes through the hall, jumping as Mobius comes out in front of him from the small closet, "WHERE IS SHE?!" Mobius asks, "PROBABLY IN YOU'RE OFFICE, SHE'S ALWAYS THERE." Loki says, they both rush off to his office.
You hear people running outside the door, Loki and Mobius burst the door open and see you, "Y/N." Mobius shouts, you look at them, you feel like you're going to faint again, you feel something in your leg, where they stabbed you with something in the van, and you pass out again, collapsing on the floor, Mobius and Loki run up to you and look at you, "they did something to her in that van, but I don't know what." Mobius says, looking at Loki, they both look concerned.
A few minutes later, Mobius and Loki left you on Mobius' sofa to rest from whatever happened and from passing out, Mobius and Loki are both having something to eat to pass the time, they're stressing about you, "do you think she'll be alright?" Mobius asks Loki, "trust me, she'll be fine, we just need her to be awake so we can find out what they did to her." Loki says, Mobius nods, "alright, I'll trust that." He says.
You wake up again, but don't feel dizzy or sick anymore, you stand up quickly, still feeling weak, but much better, you steady yourself and use the walls to walk out Mobius' office and try find them. You see both of them having lunch, you rush up to them and sit down on their table, they see you, "oh, gosh, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Mobius asks, looking at you concerned, "yes, I'm alright." You say, smiling, "no, you're not." Mobius says, "no, I'm not." You say, "what did they do to you?!" He asks, Loki eating his sandwich, "they stabbed some form of drug into me, it's made me feel dizzy, but it's worn off, apart from the fact I struggle to walk now." You say, "I'm sorry, this is all my fault." Mobius says, resting his head in his hands, you place your hand on top of Mobius' and sigh, "it's not your fault at all, the TVA tricked you for us to go to that room and you didn't know that they were going to attempt to kill me in that van." You chuckle, Mobius smiles a bit, "you've been through hell ever since you were brought here." Mobius says, you chuckle, "yes, but you and Loki made it easier," You say, "so don't stress about it." You continue, you look at Loki and Mobius, they both smile at you.
"Oh no, please, not the computers." Loki says, you're all upstairs at the computer desks, you chuckle, Mobius helps you to walk, you yawn, "making me sleep for 9 hours last night didn't work, I'm yawning." You say, "no way, I am not taking that for an excuse, I'll just force you again tonight." Mobius says, you groan, you sit at a desk and watch Loki and Mobius do all the work, you jump as the whole box of documents falls on top of you, you look at Mobius and Loki, the cardboard box containing them on top of your head, "I swear-" You say, Mobius and Loki look at you, they both start laughing, you start chuckling as well.
After an hour, you all managed to pick up all the documents, including the ones that fell on your head.
It's night and you're sat in Mobius' office again.
"She's always is in my office," Mobius says, "go see her then." Loki says, "just let me sleep." Loki says, rolling over, Mobius laughs and leaves, approaching  his office.
You're on his sofa, awake, yet again, he stands there watching you, "I'll threaten you again if you don't sleep." Mobius says, you jump and look at him, "alright, alright! Fine." You say, you chuckle.
A few minutes later, you're snoring on his sofa, Mobius chuckles as he falls asleep at his desk, even though he was going to do some work.
In the morning, you and Mobius look at each other, "I'm still tired, it didn't work." You say, Mobius laughs.
After a few minutes of you and Mobius talking, Loki bursts into Mobius' office, "that Miss Minutes thing started talking to me this morning, I was trying to sleep." Loki says, his eyes wide open, he sits next to you on the sofa, you and Mobius laugh, "it's NOT funny!" Loki shouts, Loki closes his eyes and jumps as Miss Minutes appears on the computer next to him, she starts talking to Loki again, "UGHHHHHHHHHHH." Loki groans, you and Mobius laugh, Loki just wanting some rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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