Its nice to finally have friends on school. We always hang out together, we always chill and stuff. I also kissed Luna for the first time oh my god! I never kissed before and it felt so relaxing!
After school we went to Luna 's house and we gamed there. After a while i went to take a snack and Jackson came with me. That is when i heard the devastating news. Jackson was also in love with Luna! He said he didnt want to ruin my relationship with her so he wouldnt tell her. I said he can tell her bc i trusted Luna not to cheat on me.
He was afraid so i told her. She went to speak alone with jackson and that is when i got worried. What if she would brake up with me for him?!
She came back and said that its over between me and her. I was devastated and i started crying. I asked her if she ever even loved me and she said yes but not as much as she loves jackson.
I couldnt stop crying and when i saw Jackson i punched him in the face. After that i ran home crying. My mom asked me what was wrong so i told her what happend while i was still crying. She teached me the lesson that love is sometimes dissapointing and that im still young and that one day i will found someone because im handsome.
So i put myself over it.
I just didn't really believe in love anymore.
I finished the year and changed schools again because i couldn't stand looking at jackson and Luna.
My vacation was really great! I went to Japan and it was super cool! Anyways i went back home and i pretty much just gamed all summer long. I also learned how to be funnier and i did my hair and my face.
In the new school im popular, im the funniest guy of the school and all the girls are running after my ass. Guess i did a great job with my clothing and my face!
There was one thing off though. One girl didn't seem to try to be my girlfriend wich made me have interest in her, she is also 100 times more beautiful then the rest so i thought that i could go and meet her.
Her name is Alisa and at first she said that i should go back to the other girls but i said i wanted her and she blushed so i stayed. We talked a bit and it clicks!
While all those girls chase me i just always hang out with her. I think i may have butterflies in my belly but im gonna keep her as a friend for a while. We just chill alot and she has no other friends and i know how it feels but now that she talks with me, everyone wants to be her friend, why does high school work like that?