A Surprise Visit

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Tsuyu was sitting outside the nurse's office waiting for permission to enter from Recovery Girl. Remembering everything that happened she was worried for Midoriya, he was the most injured from all the students.

"Well that's izuku for you" She smiled at thought remembering the time furing enterence exam, she didn't get to thank him again for saving her twice now. Loss in her own thought Recovery Girl came out and pointed into the room without a word.

"I figured that someone else would be here besides Izuku." She spun to face Recovery Girl. She made her way to the her desk and took a seat. Tsuyu swivelling on her heel she took a few steps forward towards the curtain that Deku was behind. She moved around it and sat down on the side of the bed where the green hair and short boy was staring out of the window. The bed squeaked as she sat getting his attention.

"T-T-suyu?" Izuku eyes grew wide and wrinkled his nose in surprise.

"Yes, you got my name right, I apologize if I'm intruding but, I wanted to say thank you again kero" She said matter of factly.

"Oh, No need to thank me, you- you saved me too. So, no need. If you weren't there I would have probably lost. I wouldn't have been able to protect anyone without the motivation. You had an awesome quirk that helped me a lot and you did great. Saved me and Mineta. We would have been dea- not in good shape if it was for you." Midoriya eyes welled as he ranted.

Fighting all the compliments and the feelings she had associated with them. "You really like to rant, huh, Ribbit?" His face began to turn a bright red.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Curling himself into a ball as he best he could given his condition.

"Don't be. I think it is cute." He turned a darker red and turned away from her. Tsuyu slimpy tilted her head to the left to look at him.

"Y-y-you think I'm C-c-cute?" He looked as if he wanted to sink into the floor.

"Ribbit, that's not exactly what I said, I said that I thought the ranting was cute." Tsuyu shifted on the bed not knowing why she was uncomfortable. "Although, you are cute."

Izuku rubbed his cast against his upper leg. "T-Thank you, I think you are cute." He turned to face her and smile. "You are firm but not harsh, you are cute, and intelligent and it shows. You are this awesome girl, that is strong and tough, And I'm sorry you were in danger because of my ineptitude." He shifted uncomfortably as his breathing quickened. Her face had a blush rush over it. The usual deadpan delivery and indifference seemed to be broken at the moment.

"What?" She croaked. Turning her head away from looking at  him suddenly feeling embarrassed from the feelings rushing through her. An awkward silence fell between the two heroes in training for a few minutes until izuku spoke up.

"A Tsuyu can I ask you something" He ask nervously looking at her waiting for her response she nodded and he continued.

"Well the next two days are going to be school free and then its going to be the weekend so its really four days. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out.. Aaa... I mean You- you don't have to but-" She smiled placing a finger on his lips to silence him making him turn seven shades of red as she talked.

"I would love to kero, can I borrow your phone for sec"

Pulling his phone out of his pocket (surprisingly it wasn't destroyed during the attack) and handing to tsuyu she quickly grabbed it quickly typing something in it before giving it back to him. Before he could ask what she did tsuyu continued to talk.

"We should hang out more often." She said shyly she had a slight blush on her cheeks when she said that.

Silence fell between the two before tsuyu stood up.

"I think I need to start heading home before my parents freak out. I had fun chatting" Regaining her composure.

"Yeah it was nice chatting with you I am going to rest for a bit before I head home" he said still feeling the tried from from using his quirk (and from the effects of recovery girl quirk). But before he could lie back down and rest he suddenly felt a soft pair of lips kissing him. Before he could register what just happened the kiss ended and she quickly moved away.

Goodbye, Deku." Tsuyu said blushing hard quickly turning back on her heel and moving to the door to the exit and just like that she was gone.

Izuku just sat there frozen for a minute before realizing what just happened his face quickly turning multiple shades of red his brain trying to process everything.

"Di-did t-tha-t jus-t-"he immediately passes out after that  experience. Midoriya exe. Has stopped working (if you get that reference).

Unknown to the two someone had seen the entire interaction turning back facing her desk Recovery Girl had a small smile on her face.

She chuckled a bit remembering her younger days. "to be young and in love" snapping out of it she went back to finishing her work suddenly feeling quite energized again.

A/N: So what do you think? Was it ok? I hope y'all enjoyed this first chapter. Again I dont own any of the characters till next time Stay Frosty.

(Izuku x Tsuyu) A Surprise VisitWhere stories live. Discover now