Ch.1 Unforgettable

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(The picture above was taken by me. Also going to try and not fit this self insert into the stereotypes of them. Also this is platonic because I rarely find a platonic Creepypasta fic if they are over the age of 13.)

Notcher Street house 155,

Two kids played in their front yard. One had stringy, long, blond hair and the other had (h/t) (h/l) (h/c) hair. They never played in the backyard. Why? Well their backyard was right by the forest where many have went missing because you can't say killed when nothing was ever found.

They two kids played together till their parents called them inside. They are siblings as well so it was a race to the door.

The parents wanted desperately to leave the hellscape that was this town but alas they didn't have enough money.

"(Y/N) make sure your sister gets to sleep please?" Their mother asked

"Yes ma'am." They young child said walking to the hallway where her sister and theirs room's where.

Their sister was in the room directly across from theirs. She went and opened the door that always creaked a little no matter what they did.

Her sister was only 7 and she was 9. A two year age difference. If worse came to worse they were more than willing to protect their sister with their life. But right now the little girl was sound asleep not a care in the world.

The older of the two went to her own room. She cuddled the small plushie they had had forever. They fell asleep soundly.

The siblings parents however were trying to figure out what to do because they had been saving their money to leave the town but it seemingly was gone now. Because everyone in this town knows no one ever leaves unless it's their dead body.

A few years later

Now if you don't know siblings have a tendency to not get along most of the time. And that is why these two siblings are in their front yard in a yelling match. Over what you may ask? Well you'll see.

"I've told you so many times no one leaves! We can't! Not unless you want to die!" (Y/N) screamed at the younger of the two

"I'll make it out! I have to! My competition is out of town! I'll be fine!" Riley yelled at her older sister tears streaming down her face.

(Y/N) looked worn out. She only wanted to protect her sister that's all. She wanted to keep her safe. But she knew at some point the younger would have to learn on her own.

"Ok fine. Me and mom will stay while dad takes you." (Y/N) said defeated

"Wait really?" Riley said looking at her confused

"Yes because I obviously can't stop you so at least have dad who can protect you go with." The older said still finding ways to protect her sister.

"Thank you! Will dad go with me though?" She asked

"He will because he loves seeing his kids happy so go pack." (Y/N) said watching as the younger raced into the house.

She may only be 9 but that kid was fast. No wonder they wanted her on the track team. (Y/N) was 11 and while she wasn't super athletic she was smart. The siblings balanced each other out because one was athletic and one was academic. It was a perfect balance.

A week later

They watched as their little sister and father drove away to the competition. Their mother waving bye then going inside. Everything would be fine (Y/N) just worried to much is all.

A couple years later

13 now but with only a mom. The 13 year old had become more closed off and guarded. They blamed themself for the death of her dad and sister.

Her mother had started sending her to therapy hoping she could get some semblance of her child back. It didn't work. (Y/N) only really left her room for essentials.

The teen was just hoping one of the many killers that inhabited this area would just kill her already. But no matter what it was like she deterred them. Her street hadn't had a killing since she was born.

Maybe the occasional robbery but that was expected. The rest of the town constantly feared for their lives. Their was a woman on their street who's son had become a killer but he was assumed dead. Her name is Ms. Rogers.

Ms. Rogers might also be what deterrers them because she moved in when (Y/N) was born. No one talked to Ms. Rogers though because she was an odd woman. She always thought her two kids would come back so she left a light on outside of her house just in case.

But then something happened the first death in 13 years on that street. Ms. Rogers was killed and her house set aflame.

The street was more cautious now. Kids had to be inside hours before dark. Doors and windows always begin double checked if there locked.

Inside the house of a Widowed mother and her child though something was off. (Y/N) knew her mother had secrets and that was fine. Until one of her secrets finally got revealed.

They sat in the kitchen today not sure why they did this. When their mother got home she brought someone else with her.

"(Y/N) your still out here?" Her mother said a bit startled

"Who's that man?"

"Um Elisa I can go if you want?" The man said

"No it's fine Neil. (Y/N) this is my fiancée." Her mother spoke

"When were you going to tell me mom?"

"After we got married." Her mother said looking annoyed

"I know when I'm not wanted I'll go to my room." (Y/N) said getting up but before she could go her mother grabbed her arm

"(Y/N) I'm not doing this to hurt you. I'm moving on you should too." Her mother's words rang through her head as she went to her room.

She knew she needed to move on yes but she didn't want to. Her sister was their purpose. They don't actually know what to do with themself now.

A/N: Hello wonderful reader! If you have any ideas for the story I would love to hear them!

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