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---next morning---

erwin was sleeping on me like a little kid, his head on my chest and his body between my legs.
i loved to see his hair messy and seeing him to finally rest.
i began to run my fingers through his hair and thought about what he wanted to tell me, but then postponed it until today...

directly after, he woke up and seemed uncomfortable or anxious.
,,good morning." i smiled ,,is everything alright? you look a bit exhausted." i added
,,hm, i just had a bad dream, it's okay." he muttered with his sleepy voice.
,,then I'll believe you, you can always talk with me about your problems, okay? you don't have to be the strong commander, that everyone knows around me."

,,thank you so much, y/n. but now i have to be the strong commander that everyone knows" he said as he stood up, stretched and then put on his clothes.
i just sighed and slightly smiled beacuse that's just like him, always needs to prove exactly what people see him as...
,,erwin." i said
,,hm? what's the matter, darling." he answered and turned around as he buttoned up his shirt.
,,you wanted to tell me something yesterday... and i wanna know what it is."
,,i already woke up late, let's talk about this later, okay? and you should get ready too, you have training in 30 minutes." he said and avoided it once again. I just nodded and got up.

Then i went into my room to get some fresh clothes, i already heard ivy talking about me, but i started to ignore what she was saying.
i entered the room, just looked at ivy and shook my head. While i was changing my clothes i said to ivy
,,ivy, you may be strong, but strenght isn't the only thing that counts in here. you're miserable at teamwork and we need teamwork. commander erwin was just impressed by you because you are strong."

she just looked at me and started
,,well, at least i have some qualities, not like you, who only got further because you sucked up to the commander. that's pathetic."
i ignored what she said, stood up and put on my jacket and then left.

i went to the training ground and stood with the others, luckily not too late this time, shadis was just checking attendance.
i stood next to jean and he whispered to me, "i heard we're doing a training session in the forest today."
,,oh really? that sounds interesting."

shadis shouted and came up to us.
,,who allowed you two to talk?! huh?" he added.

jean and i stood up straight and said synchronously ,,nobody sir."
then he slowly left and continued, we just looked at each other and released our breath.

Then commander erwin, captain levi and section commander hange came to the court and stood next to shadis looking around how everything is going.

,,so cadets, today we'll be doing practice in the woods to test your skills and to be sure if some of you will end as titan food. Before we get the horses i will explain some rough basics here, when we get there, there will be more detailed instructions." Erwin said. He really looked concentrated during his speech, everybody listened carefully to him, because they looked up to him, just like i did.

,,So let's start. Everybody will get points for their skills, technique and strenght. section commander hange will take care of this part." Erwin added, hange just nodded.

,,There there will be a path that you will have to work through. so that you are not disturbed in the training, captain levi will be always near you and lead you the way." he looked over to levi and continued after a short pause.

,,The point were you start will also be the end, so i will be waiting there. i will also tell you when it's your turn... we'll meet in 15 minutes at this point  to then ride together to the forest. Now go and get your horses cadets!" he saluted and also went off.

-10 minutes later-

while i was on the way to the meeting point with my horse, ivy came walking up to me.
,,i wouldn't be surprised if you would get better points in this than me" she said with a mean smile and went forward again.

-5 more minutes later-

,,i hope that everyone is here now. I'll ride in the front, please line up right behind me." he said and rode away

i was in the middle of this, mikasa in front of me and connie behind me.
,,hey y/n. am I the only one who's nervous?" connie asked
,,haha no connie, you're not. I'm kinda nervous too but I'm still excited." i answered.

when we arrived erwin explained everything more. he wished us good luck and started to name the first person. while we waited i talked with the others about random stuff then i got interrupted.
,,l/n, y/n. it's your turn." erwin shouted.
i walked up to him, got in my starting position. he gave me a little smile and then counted down from 3.
,,3..... 2..... 1..... and go."

,,okay, okay i can do this. there's no time for being nervous." i thought to myself.
But it just made me more nervous that captain levi stared at me, it didn't looked like he just took care of me. he looked like he's mad or needs to say something.

Then there was the first wood titan. i actually hit it quite well but it wasn't deep enough...
,,you need to cut it deeper y/n! a real titan won't die like that!" Captain levi shouted. I just nodded and already saw the next one. This time it was better.
"i knew that i can do it. I'm strong!" i said to myself.

after that i had to cut 4 more titans. i thought that went quite well.
When i got back to the start, Levi, Erwin and Hange were discussing my points. But i had a good feeling so i wasnt very worried, my time also felt okay. now we just need to wait for the rest of the training....

after 20 minutes it was time for the teamwork part of training.
,,wow I'm excited and nervous at the same time. what about you guys?" jean asked.
,,haha yeah me too, but I'm pretty sure we can do this." connie said.
mikasa and i nodded.
,,hey, but where's eren?" i asked mikasa.
,,he-" mikasa said but got interrupted.
,,he doesn't need to come because the commander believes in his titan powers." jean answered.
,,jean that question wasn't for you." i said to him.
,,oh. sorry." he replied.

,,Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirstein, Y/n L/n and Connie Springer... It's your turn now." Hange shouted.
We all got ready and said that we'll get this. then erwin already counted down.
,,3.... 2.... 1.... and go!"

,,okay so. y/n you go and kill the titans on the right side. mikasa, you take the front and connie and i take the left side... then we'll meet a few metres before the end." jean shouted.
,,okay." we said.
Captain levi looked confused because he probably didn't know where he should go but decided to follow jean and connie.

after 2 minutes we met again and Hange and erwin looked impressed. they discussed the teamwork points from everybody then Erwin shouted.
,,that was the last team. we'll go back now!"

to be continued...

(a/n: I'm so sorry that it took so long, but i didn't find the time to write it earlier. i hope you guys still enjoyed this chapter.)

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