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This story takes place after season 2 of Minecraft Storymode.
Important decisions made: Petra was saved in episode one, Season One. Magnus died to the Witherstorm. Petra was saved first from PAMA. Petra was in the prison with Jesse, they were both inmates. Jesse ran off with Petra in the final episode, going to explore the world together. Leaving Radar as Hero in Residence of Beacontown.

Everyone has a story, whether that being a farmer down in the fields or defeating a Witherstorm. Some people grow apart, others choose to stay close. Many people choose to settle down, yet some others choose to leave, explore and discover more. That's where this story starts, two young women who are never afraid of a challenge. However, are these two heros, two best friends, ready for change once more?

The sun is set, the stars are coming out as Jesse and Petra are fighting mobs outside a Woodland Mansion. Petra sounds her battle cry as Jesse follows behind her, hitting zombies clearing a path for the two to get in. Once enough mobs are cleared, the two get behind both sides of the door, having their swords out. Giving a nod then running into the mansion.

"Jesse watch out!" Petra says to Jesse when seeing an Illager behind her. Quickly, Jesse turns around and slashes it with her enchanted Diamond sword.

"Hah! See not that hard Petra." Jesse said confidently before seeing Petra's face that told her there was more. Jesse sighs, turning around to see about ten of them, with a few Vindicators mixed in. Petra laughs at her in a playful tone saying, "Come on Jesse. I bet I can kill more of them than you."

"Oh you're on!" Jesse says with a smile as the two go against all the mobs, with the two working together, things were easier and a fun time for them both.

Soon enough, the mobs were defeated and the two explored the mysterious mansion. "I still can't believe you've never been to a Woodland before." Petra says to Jesse while walking through the halls, still on alert for any other mobs. "Especially after everything we've done in the past."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I just never got the chance to, you know when I was in charge of Beacontown and all." She smiles at Petra, "But now I got that chance, thanks to you."

"Oh shut up," Petra said with a slight laugh while Jesse continued to look around until they reached a storage room with rows and rows of chests. "Jackpot." Jesse said, walking into the room with Petra.

The two of them search through the chest, not much. There were things like birch planks, carpets, logs, and cobblestone. Until Petra opened one and found a block of diamond. "Ohh, nice. We have 9 Diamonds. Do you want 2 for your sword? You said it was getting pretty damaged."

Jesse smiled out of generosity. "Sure, thanks Petra."

"Anytime." Petra hands her two Diamonds and puts it into her inventory. Soon after, Jesse looked through another chest and found a golden totem. She pulled it out and Petra looked back and saw it. "Ohh! A Totem of Undying. You usually get those from Evokers. I'm surprised you got one from a chest, that's pretty rare."

"Yeah-!" She looks down at it, sees all the angles of it in her hand. "I'm gonna be honest with you Petra, these things scare me. Just.. you know, dying and then just reviving?"

"It's like respawning.. remember when we were with the Old Builders way back when? It's probably a lot like that."

"Yeah you're right-" Jesse tosses it to Petra, "I trust you more with that then I do with myself"

Petra takes the Totem and puts it into her inventory. "Well.. thank you, I appreciate that."

"Anytime." Jesse said in the same tone as Petra did before, that caused Petra to laugh a bit. "Come on Jesse, let's get out of here." Petra said, putting her hand out for Jesse to take. And she does, then the two head out of the Mansion and head for the mountains.

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