Virtual to real

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Amy's POV:

I woke up in the early hours of the day, the sky still dark and the city moving along quietly.  I didn't have much sleep but yet I didn't need more. I was staring blankly at my bedroom ceiling, taking time to think about the crazy things that were about to happen today.  Barking and loud whining made me come out of my transe, the little grey husky jumping up and down trying to get on my bed.

"Hey baby" I babbled picking her up and sitting her on my lap. Her tail was shaking around rapidly as she watched me happily with eyes saying "I love you. You're the only one in this world to me". I swear this puppy is the cutest shit on this earth.

Eventually, the animal, licked my face leaving trickles of drool. "Ew, Roxy, No!" I wiped myself with my shirt's sleeve, chuckling lightly when the dog watched me confused. Ultimately, after long seconds of an intense staring contest against the animal, I get out of my bed an waltz to my bathroom.

I took a quick cold shower, the best thing to wake you up in the morning, and dressed myself in a lilac robe while my hair was tangled in a matching towel.  I quickly made my way to the kitchen where I feed my little furry ball before I put my talents to work, making my traditional scrambled eggs Bluewood's edition. A family thing. With that, I mixed bananas, blueberries, peaches and milk to make the perfect smoothie. You have to try it, it's a killer.

Naturally, the Speak Now album was resounding across the room. The both of us dancing, Roxy shaking her tail and me, dancing like a drunk ballerina. What a lack of grace.

Soon, breakfast was ready just in time as enchanted started to play so instinctively I screamed since it's my favorite song. Yes I'm an huge Swiftie, bare with it. However, I didn't have the chance to even take a bite of my food as my door was force happen by my stupid ass best friend. You know, the one who left me freeze to death, yeah her.

"Did you make scrambled eggs?" Straight to the point, I see.

"Yes, thank you Jessica, I'm good and you?" She sighed, dragging her feet while she made pleading eyes. "I'm starving Amy and you and I both know I can't cook"

So yeah that's basically how I found myself late as hell making breakfast for my incompetent best friend.

I had to rush to prepare myself. Fortunately, I had anticipated this possibility last night therefore I left my apartment not so long after, leaving Jessica with her little furry niece.

Once inside my car, I loosely braided my blonde hair and checked my makeup in the rear view mirror. I think I did a pretty good job with the smoky eyes and velvet lips considered the time I had. I verified that I had the oh so precious script half blacked out because it's still Marvel guys.

Having no more time to waste, I started the car and drove to the location guided by a gps because I'm not that cool.

However, once I parked my car, I started to have an existential crisis. What the hell I am even doing her, like bitch I'm going to meet the Marvel cast. I will act with them. Jesus I'm gonna act as Natasha's lover. I think I'm going to have an heart attack.

Eventually, I resigned myself  to go out of my vehicle and introduce myself at the reception.
Soon, they lead me to the set where all my idols were regrouped in an open room.
I know I've been talking to them for the past months but seeing them in reality is so much different.

My hands started to shake as I walked toward them, making my presence known by coughing softly. A shy greeting left my lips when all those eyes stared back at me eagerly.

Before I knew it, I was tackled in a tight hug by Scarlett saying how much she was happy to see me. "You're even more beautiful in person, Angel" I blushed, HARD.


May appeared quickly, we finished the movie the month before and we were doing press tour. My character was introduced to the world and holy shit being famous is scary, I'm recognized all the time.

Surprisingly, Scarlett still has my picture as her background, it's cute since I have a picture of her as my background too.
Speaking of her, our relationship evolved into a weird dynamic. We didn't stop flirting with each other, we went on dates but we weren't really together.

However, the most striking moment lately stay the interview with Jimmy Fallon, when I was introduced as a new member of the cast.
Accompanied by Scarlett, Lizzie and Chris E. on those iconic couches.

"How did you started to talk with the cast, Amy?" Jimmy asked simply, smiling joyfully.
"You know Jimmy, my best friend is a bitch so she gave me the wrong number and I ended up talking to our Scarlett here." I chuckled, whining playfully as the blonde in question smirked.

"So you're saying that you got the number of THE Scarlett Johansson by accident?" He gasped before adding, " It means that you basically meet the Marvel cast by text?"

"Yup, By text"

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