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Gotta get ready quickly, Min is waiting and we need to go get some free breakfast! Ryan said to himself, he then started showering and got ready quickly, he putted some redish jeans and a light blue long sleeved Shirt . He got out of the bathroom, Min was sitting on the edge of the bed practicing with his mini synth
Do you want to get some free breakfast?
Ah, sorry didn't see you there hah, sure let's go
They both head out of the room and go to the lobby
Hey Min?
I-I I want to tell you s-some thing Ryan was thinking of saying something important, he blushed a lot and then thought for a second "should I tell him that? No! I should wait for the right moment"
W-what do y-you want t-to tell m-me? He blushed because he saw Ryan blushing, he imagined Ryan saying "Min, I like you more than a friend" and then realized "w-what am I thinking? He will not say that Min, stop fantasizing!"
I want to tell you that....We should visit the city after eating!
Sure, we can visit many cool places... together... heh
They get breakfast and start eating

Car to somewhere//Rymin//Ryan x Min-Gi//fanfic//Infinity Train Where stories live. Discover now