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I wrapped a small white apron around my waist as I began walking towards my boss.

"What are we doing today, boss?" I asked.

My bosses name is Annette Clairefield, and she was the manager of the Panorama Diner.

She poured water into the coffee pot before placing it on the coffee maker. "You feel you can do things on your own for now on?"

I nodded.

"Alright, you're on the floor today. First customer to come in, will be yours."


The time read 11:58. Lunch time was approaching so it wouldn't be long until a few customers would come in and I'd get my first tip ever. I felt a little excitement in me ever passing second. I was ready to make money and possibly get out of my house.

I recently got hired not to long ago and I don't live very far from here with my dad. And let's just say I don't have the best relationship with my dad. Since my mother died, my dad hasn't been the same. He's an alcoholic and very abusive to me. So for the longest time I've waited to turn 16 so I'd be able to get a job and get away from him.

The small bell in front of the diner rang and I felt excitement and nervousness for my first costumer.

Right away I saw the robot Jan3, bring a small group to a booth. Right away I felt a little unease, as I noticed the crest on the back of the tall robots jacket in the group of 3.

The Deadlock Gang.

The town basically knows the gang and tried their best to stay away from them, as we all know they're all nothing but trouble. I grew little nervous as I followed them to their table.

"Your serve will be right with you." Ja43 said and left right away as I came up from behind and greeted them all.

"Hello, what can I get you to drink?"

The woman with long silver hair looked up at me. She was very beautiful, she looked to be the same age as me. She had a beauty mark on her right cheek, and her eyes were the deep shade of red with a red lip that matched.

"I'll take cherry coke."

"I'll take a regular coke." A guy with a mohawk said across from her.

"What about your friend?" I asked pointing at the giant robot.

"He don't want anything." The woman replied. "Also, we will have another with us."

"Okay, you know what they want?"

"I'll let him decide when he gets here."

"Alright, I'll get those for you until he comes."

I turned right away, writing it down in my notebook before I ran into somebody. I could feel how firm they were cause they didn't even move as I just bounced back to where I was.

"I'm so sorry!" I cried.

I looked up to see a very handsome man in front of me. He was tall, with brown eyes and long brown hair that stayed tucked into his black coy boy hat. He had on a black leather jacket with a pair of blue jeans and dark boots.

"Pardon me." He said while tipping his hat.

Right away I felt my cheeks grow warm at the gesture, so I quickly ran past him to the bar. I began filling the cups with ice before looking over to the table to see the man was sitting down next to the woman.

I figured they were probably a couple so I didn't think much of it.

When I filled the drinks, I began walking back over to the table. I held both the drinks in my hands and set them both down. Right away I see the woman gone. She must've gone to the bathroom? I guess I'll get this guys drink until she comes back.

"Here's your drinks. You know what you want, sir?" I turned to the guy I ran into earlier.

"Iced tea." He looked up at me with his arm rested on the top part of the booths seat.


"Make that a sweet tea."

"Okay. I'll be back with that and I'll take you orders."

I turned right away and walked towards the bar to Annette preparing the ice tea for me. I looked back to see the man still staring at me.

"You know the names of those guys on the table, Annette?"

Annette looked up at squinted her eyes over to them.

"The one with the mohawk, I don't know yet. The woman that went to the bathroom is Ash. The big guy is B.0.B. And the last one I think is Jesse. They usually swing by so you'll be seeing them a lot."

Annette handed me the tea.


I began walking back to them and seen the woman known as Ashe sit next to Jesse. I set down the sweet tea and pulled out my notebook again.

"What can I get you?" I asked.

For the next half an hour I took their order and they ate right away as I continued to wait on them. It didn't take long until they began finishing up I watched as the group began getting up from the table and talked a bit before they began their leave.

"I thought we we're all paying for ourselves?" Jesse said.

"Ha! You shouldn't have kept us waiting. You're paying for the bill." Ashe said before she motion the small group to follow her.

He sighed and began walking towards me.

I rung up his stuff into the register as he began pulling out his wallet.

"Your bill is $31.58."

He pulled out a $100 and gave it to me.

"You have a good day now, ma'am." He tipped his hat before putting his wallet in his pocket and walked out the diner.


I felt my heart flutter a bit as I watch him leave. I looked at the $100 bill before putting the cash into the register.

"What'd you get?" Annette asked.

"Close to $70."

"Not bad! I wish I got that tip! Good job on your first table Y/n!"

"Thanks." I smiled.

"And if I we're wrong Y/n but I think Jesse was checking you out."

I blushed. "No, he wasn't, stop!"

"I'm may be old Y/n, but I know googly eyes when I see them and that boy definitely has some eyes for you."

I turned away from her as I continued to blush. Firstly I don't need to be having feelings going around or anything right now. my only focus was to work, get money and leave. That's all I need to focus on. There's no room for boys. Even if he was quiet handsome.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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